Rich Remedies Incredible Garden Herb Healing Salad Dressing
“This is the best tasting salad dressing I have ever tasted, bar none. It will blow your mind. The people I have given it to drink it straight from the bottle it’s so good. Best of all, it has natural healing properties!”
Richard Tyson
Author, Chef, Mixocologist, Gardener, and Arm Chair Expert
The herb dressing relies on fresh herbs when available. Basil and parsley grow in a in a pot on our deck. If you are short on space or live in an apartment, this is the way to go. Fresh-picked herbs are preferred ingredients.
In the garden I grow oregano, rosemary, mint, thyme, and other popular herbs. When the garden isn’t producing or I can’t grow what I need, the farmers market supplies a wide variety of good, fresh herbs. Most of the herbs I use are local, in season so the ingredients change a little bit from season to season.
Garden Herb Recipe
Water- filtered (Ionized optional) 3 cups
Organic grape seed oil (key flavor ingredient) ½ cup
Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (substitute lemon juice is vinegar is not permitted) ½ cup
Lemon juice 4 lemons
Braggs Liquid Aminos All Purpose Seasoning ½ cup
Seasonal herbs (see list below) 4 tablespoons or a small handful chopped
Cayenne red pepper 4 tablespoons
Black pepper 2 tablespoons
Himalayan pink salt 1 Tablespoon
Fresh habenero pepper (key flavor ingredient) 1 pepper or 2 for added heat
Fresh garlic cloves 6 – 8 cloves. Never enough garlic!
Scallion or onion 1/8 cup
Local honey 4 tablespoons
Fresh ginger root 4 tablespoons or to taste
Place ingredients in blender an liquefy for 1 minute. Decant to smaller bottles/
Here is the line up of the ingredients for this month’s batch of Rich Remedies Dressing. Note the fresh shallots and cilantro are in season in my area and were purchased at the local farmer’s market. Support your local farmer!
Salad Dressing Ingredients & Healing Effects
Herb Healing effects *
Garlic Active ingredient is allicin which has antibacterial, antifungal, blood thinning, and antioxidant properties. Said to reduce cholesterol, arterial plaque, and strengthen heart.
Ginger Digestive aid that has anti inflammatory properties. Used to treat nausea, vomiting and motion sickness.
Parsley High in vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium. Used by naturopaths for urinary infections. Full of chlorophyll which is a mediator of bad breadth. Treats lost libido in women (buy it by the bushel basket guys)
Basil Antiviral properties. In folk medicine used to get rid of warts. Phytochemicals said to remove plaque from teeth
Rosemary “Herb of remembrance” Helps with blood circulation, particularly to the brain. Alzheimer’s, arthritis, diabetes, indigestion, and blood pressure are said to benefit from this herb.
Thyme Breathing problems like asthma, coughs, and bronchitis are said to be treated by doses of Thyme syrup prescribed by a physician. Also said to kill certain worms.
Cayenne/ Habernero pepper Capsaicin, the phytochemical that produces the heat in peppers is prominent in cayenne. Anti inflammatory, blood thinning, blood circulation,cholestral reduction, anti bacterial, pain reliever, and provides a “cooling effect” in hot weather
Onion/ Shallot Contains high amounts of quercetin in the onion skin that is a bioflavonoid that is known as an anti inflammatory good for treating allergies and respiratory ailments. Colds, diabetes, high blood pressure, and inflammatory bowel are said to benefit from the healing compounds in onions
Spearmint Indigestion, stomach ache, bad breadth, and colds are said to benefit from spearmint
Black pepper Contains the compound peperine.Digestive aid, constipation, and is said to help the body assimilate certain vitamins in the digestive process.
Oregano Antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. Also used as an antiparasidic.
Grape seed Oil- Grape seed oil contains vitamin E, vitamin C and beta- carotene. It also contains Omega-6, Omega-9, and Omega-3 fatty acids which are good for cardiovascular health.
Apple Cider Vinegar- Contributes to making one’s body fluids more alkaline (high pH level) which is desirable when fighting disease. Diseases thrive in acidic bodily fluids.
Apple Cider vinegar also contains small amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, and apple pectin. There are also trace minerals such as potassium present which lowers high blood pressure.
Filtered water – Ionized lowers the pH.
Local honey- amino acids, natural sugars. Pollen from local plants in the honey is said to help with some plant- based allergies. The honey “cools down” the
Bragg Liquid Aminos- Contains 16 amino acids – vegetable protein from soy beans
Note: These healing effects apply based on an individual’s specific body chemistry. They also apply when a proper diagnosis and prescription has been made by a trained medical professional. The therapeutic benefits (disease prevention) can be gained by adding these fresh herbs to food on a regular basis. Consult your Naturopathic healer for details on herbal remedies. Do not serve to people with allergies to peppers or soy products.
I add fresh cayenne and habernero peppers to taste. Less is usually better unless you like heat. If you fi8nd that you have gone overboard on the pepper, add more honey. It neutralizes the heat.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Equine Healing & Horse Training - Janice Terra
Yesterday I posted the blog above on the Global Peace Project website on the exraordinary work that my friend Janice Terra does with horses. A few people contacted me and asked for more information on what Janice does so I am posting her biography here:
Janice has worked with riders and horses for more than thirty years. As an international trainer and author, Janice has lectured to the management team at NASA, the Houston Police Dept. Mounted Division, the Albuquerque Police Dept., Mounted Patrol, Corporate management, and more.
Janice has worked in the equine industry in a number of capacities, including; riding instructor, trainer, breeder, stable manager, feed store owner, horse show manager, open show judge, horse show announcer, columnist, consultant, and has been retained as an expert in her field to give testimony in a court of law.
She has trained national champions in both English and Western disciplines. She has conducted seminars and empowerment workshops throughout the U.S., and on more than one occasion brought her enlightened horse whispering techniques to Europe, where they always request her return.
She has an uncanny knack for rehabilitation of horse and rider on both a physical and emotional level. She has developed techniques for humans that have proven to be quite successful in dealing with situations as varied as cancer, ADD, autism, anger management, speech therapy, childhood development, etc., etc.. On more than one occasion she has turned horses viewed as “unsalvageable” into show ring champions.
As a horse whisperer she has saved many a horse from the fate of “dog food”, and turned their lives in a positive direction. She is able to fix many “problems” in minutes, versus the typical “months”. She is one of the few that has actually worked with true wild horses, and elicited positive results from them, without the use of ropes or restraints
If you know anyone who can use an extraordinary horse trainer, contact Janice.
Yesterday I posted the blog above on the Global Peace Project website on the exraordinary work that my friend Janice Terra does with horses. A few people contacted me and asked for more information on what Janice does so I am posting her biography here:
Janice has worked with riders and horses for more than thirty years. As an international trainer and author, Janice has lectured to the management team at NASA, the Houston Police Dept. Mounted Division, the Albuquerque Police Dept., Mounted Patrol, Corporate management, and more.
Janice has worked in the equine industry in a number of capacities, including; riding instructor, trainer, breeder, stable manager, feed store owner, horse show manager, open show judge, horse show announcer, columnist, consultant, and has been retained as an expert in her field to give testimony in a court of law.
She has trained national champions in both English and Western disciplines. She has conducted seminars and empowerment workshops throughout the U.S., and on more than one occasion brought her enlightened horse whispering techniques to Europe, where they always request her return.
She has an uncanny knack for rehabilitation of horse and rider on both a physical and emotional level. She has developed techniques for humans that have proven to be quite successful in dealing with situations as varied as cancer, ADD, autism, anger management, speech therapy, childhood development, etc., etc.. On more than one occasion she has turned horses viewed as “unsalvageable” into show ring champions.
As a horse whisperer she has saved many a horse from the fate of “dog food”, and turned their lives in a positive direction. She is able to fix many “problems” in minutes, versus the typical “months”. She is one of the few that has actually worked with true wild horses, and elicited positive results from them, without the use of ropes or restraints
If you know anyone who can use an extraordinary horse trainer, contact Janice.
Monday, October 26, 2009

I've been sampling the nutritional supplement pXp Forte polysaccharide X peptides (pictured above) for the past 3 weeks. No measurable improvements but the manufacturer recommends consistent, long term use to receive dramatic results.
I was handed a bottle of this "miracle" supplement on my way out the door at CEO Space earlier this month. The person who sold me the pXp heard that I have an interest in cutting edge healing produsts.She told me that she had remedied a crippling neurological condition with steady use of the pXp supplement.
"Alfa PXP contains BioReady Nutrients (BRNs) from organically-grown rice that directly feed the part of the cell (mitochondria) that produces ATP*(cellular energy). These BRNs come in the form of complex polysaccharides that are bound to specific polypeptides through a scientific process using mechanical hydrolysis and hydro-thermal technology. The BRNs in Alfa PXP are in a concentrated form for better availability and absorption, thereby creating more cellular function through increased energy. Healthy cells create healthy people."
Here are some of the manufacturer's healing claims (not this author):
• Boost your immune system to fight illness and disease
• Get energy, vitality, mental clarity and focus
• Enhance circulation and brain function
• Target hormonal imbalances and poor sleep
• Fight depression, memory loss and dementia
• Decrease high blood pressure, elevated LDL and triglycerides
• Balance blood sugar levels and improve digestion
The research that I have read sounds pretty compelling. There are so many great products available today, it's hard to decide which ones to stock in the cuboard. pXp looks promising. The jury is in session......
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Rich Remedies, Volume 1 at AARP Conference
Rich Remedies, Volume 1 , My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries is being exhibited at the AARP Conference in Las Vegas October 22- 25.
Do you want to make these years and your “golden years” truly golden? There are some easy ways to make this happen. I thrive on simplicity.
Have your family’s “golden years” been golden? I hope yours have. My family’s were not.
On the top of the list of reasons that motivated me to write my book on natural self healing was the way that I saw my great grandmother, grandmother, aunt, and father spend the last few years of their lives. It wasn’t pretty. It included heart operations, multiple cancers, emphysema, depression, and a host of other ailments.
You have the choice to select vibrant health for yourself and family. It’s easy.
I choose, right now, to avoid a painful end to my life through self healing and preventive measures.
You can join me in this intention by implementing a few tips that I share in my book with the advice and counsel of a professional, holistic healing coach. Holistic healing refers to the practice of dealing with the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. If you address all three areas you are more likely to heal completely versus just treating symptoms
I used to think this was all BS until I cured myself of chronic asthma, allergies, an ulcer, high cholesterol, a damaged knee, and many other health issues. This was done with the assistance of natural healing professionals. But it is ultimately up to YOU and ME to make it happen.
Don’t rely on someone else unless they have an extraordinary healing gift. Even then, you have to ultimately heal yourself.
So AARP sees my book. I hope a few people pick it up and read it. There is life-saving information in it.
PS: AARP’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for all as we age, leading positive social change and delivering value to members through information, advocacy and service.
AARP speaks with one voice – united by a common motto: “To serve, not be served.”
PS. PS.: Note: to serve, not be served. Self reliance is the American way. Don’t depend on anyone to make you healthy or take care of you. Take care of yourself and everything is easier.
Do you want to make these years and your “golden years” truly golden? There are some easy ways to make this happen. I thrive on simplicity.
Have your family’s “golden years” been golden? I hope yours have. My family’s were not.
On the top of the list of reasons that motivated me to write my book on natural self healing was the way that I saw my great grandmother, grandmother, aunt, and father spend the last few years of their lives. It wasn’t pretty. It included heart operations, multiple cancers, emphysema, depression, and a host of other ailments.
You have the choice to select vibrant health for yourself and family. It’s easy.
I choose, right now, to avoid a painful end to my life through self healing and preventive measures.
You can join me in this intention by implementing a few tips that I share in my book with the advice and counsel of a professional, holistic healing coach. Holistic healing refers to the practice of dealing with the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. If you address all three areas you are more likely to heal completely versus just treating symptoms
I used to think this was all BS until I cured myself of chronic asthma, allergies, an ulcer, high cholesterol, a damaged knee, and many other health issues. This was done with the assistance of natural healing professionals. But it is ultimately up to YOU and ME to make it happen.
Don’t rely on someone else unless they have an extraordinary healing gift. Even then, you have to ultimately heal yourself.
So AARP sees my book. I hope a few people pick it up and read it. There is life-saving information in it.
PS: AARP’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for all as we age, leading positive social change and delivering value to members through information, advocacy and service.
AARP speaks with one voice – united by a common motto: “To serve, not be served.”
PS. PS.: Note: to serve, not be served. Self reliance is the American way. Don’t depend on anyone to make you healthy or take care of you. Take care of yourself and everything is easier.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Safe Breast Screening
Hi Gang,
Been on the road and focused on the future.
Here is a handy tip:
If you are a woman and are considering a breast cancer screening, consider Thermography as discussed by my friend Dr. Patrick Price:
"Digital infra-red thermal imaging (DITI) is a screening process that detects differences in heat given off by the body through precise measurements of infrared frequency wavelengths. Known as thermography, this process gained FDA approval in 1982 and has become increasingly more accurate and useful through technological advancements. "Useful for what?" you might ask.
"Thermography has many advantages over other screening processes. First, it is non-invasive. No radiation or dyes are put into the body. Secondly, it's painless. Nothing ever touches you and there is no compression of the breasts which is good news to women for several reasons. Perhaps most importantly, thermography detects a physiological or functional process rather than an anatomical process. Instead of focusing on organs or tissue, it focuses on processes occurring in the body that are causing temperature changes, as a result it may pick up high risk areas long before they become anatomical. What this means is that we may be able to practice prevention rather than just detection. By learning of an area of thermal abnormality, attention can be given toward possibly reversing those risk-associated changes. "
Dr Patrick Price, Houston, Texas
Been on the road and focused on the future.
Here is a handy tip:
If you are a woman and are considering a breast cancer screening, consider Thermography as discussed by my friend Dr. Patrick Price:
"Digital infra-red thermal imaging (DITI) is a screening process that detects differences in heat given off by the body through precise measurements of infrared frequency wavelengths. Known as thermography, this process gained FDA approval in 1982 and has become increasingly more accurate and useful through technological advancements. "Useful for what?" you might ask.
"Thermography has many advantages over other screening processes. First, it is non-invasive. No radiation or dyes are put into the body. Secondly, it's painless. Nothing ever touches you and there is no compression of the breasts which is good news to women for several reasons. Perhaps most importantly, thermography detects a physiological or functional process rather than an anatomical process. Instead of focusing on organs or tissue, it focuses on processes occurring in the body that are causing temperature changes, as a result it may pick up high risk areas long before they become anatomical. What this means is that we may be able to practice prevention rather than just detection. By learning of an area of thermal abnormality, attention can be given toward possibly reversing those risk-associated changes. "
Dr Patrick Price, Houston, Texas
Thursday, October 8, 2009
CEO Space 10.09 & Super Teaching
A fews of us from the Global Peace Project Foundation are attending CEO Space in Henderson, Nevada this week to work on our sustainability program funding initiative and to launch the Health and Well Being Division. To find out more about CEP Space:
The Health and Well Being Division is seeking afilliate partners who have natural wellness products and solutions that they would like to offer for sale through our website. Details to follow.
The first Health and Well Being product for sale is my book: Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries. It can be purchased from:
Ten (10) perscent of the profits will be donated to the Global Peace Project Foundation.
A break through technology called Super Learning is being used for instruction at CEO Space. It improves comprehension and the way we learn in general. I have noticed that it has kept my attention and made the subject matter more interesting.
Check out Super Teaching here:
The Health and Well Being Division is seeking afilliate partners who have natural wellness products and solutions that they would like to offer for sale through our website. Details to follow.
The first Health and Well Being product for sale is my book: Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries. It can be purchased from:
Ten (10) perscent of the profits will be donated to the Global Peace Project Foundation.
A break through technology called Super Learning is being used for instruction at CEO Space. It improves comprehension and the way we learn in general. I have noticed that it has kept my attention and made the subject matter more interesting.
Check out Super Teaching here:
Saturday, September 26, 2009
FREE Cancer Terminator Book Link Here
Here is a link to a FREE ebook on curing cancer:
I don't recommend anything......I just make useful information that I find known.
Thank you Zhen-Go Wang! We are grateful for this information.
Check this out.
I don't recommend anything......I just make useful information that I find known.
Thank you Zhen-Go Wang! We are grateful for this information.
Check this out.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
International Day of Peace, September 21, 2009
Join us Monday, September 21
7:30 p.m.
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, Texas
International Day of Peace Celebration:
Celebration, Education & Music
A special evening concert with
Resounding Harmony
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity, and Possibility
with Mindy Audlin & Jim Bunch
Love Offering
What kind of education do you think we would have to give the world's children today in order to create a planet in which wars and violence of any kind would not exist by the year 2029?
Intriguing question, isn't it?
Can you imagine how different your life would be today if you learned the life-skills that the world's wisest elders have accumulated after decades of life experience?
Today, there's an exciting opportunity for your community to join The Peace Project and Be Peace, Teach Peace and Build Peace!
It's the first small step in moving an entire generation towards living together in peace, and it begins with International Day of Peace Sept 21st .
Experts from around the world
have assisted us in creating our
education program, which provides life-skills we can easily use in our daily lives. These skills help us to be happy with our own lives and relationships, and to live peacefully at home, on the job, in our communities, and in our world.
Sunday, September 20
The Ultimate Game of Life
with Jim Bunch
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
"Live the Ultimate Life". Join Jim and his Texas Tuggers group for a lively discussion on creating your "Ultimate Life".
Jim's seminars and workshops have impacted thousands of lives and Jim has worked intimately with organizations such as Century 21, FritoLay, Isagenix, Jack Canfield Trainings, Pitney Bowes, Prudential, Remax, Xerox, and spoken for other top companies such as Arbonne, International Coach Federation, Land America, and Young Presidents Organization. For more information please go to or call 214-352-5005.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
Monday, Sept 21 7:30p.m.
International Day of Peace Celebration, Education and Music
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
An special evening concert with Resounding Harmony
and the insights of Jim Bunch
and Mindy Audlin
What if it All Works Out? Einstein tells us that we can't solve problems with the same thinking that created those problems. Creating a world of peace requires us to adopt a new mindset about our relationships, our communities, and our planet. Join Peace Project advisor Mindy Audlin for an in-depth experience of "Possibility Thinking" and join leading edge peacebuilders in the work of creating a world of peace from the inside out. Mindy Audlin is the founder of The What If Up Club and author of the upcoming book, "What If It All Works Out?
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity & Possibility."
She is the creator of the
"Voices of Peace" series: She is also the innovator behind the Unity.FM online radio network, where she currently hosts a weekly radio program, "The Leading Edge," bringing together the world's top leaders and spiritual teachers for inspiring discussions about the practical application of universal spiritual principles.
Whether it’s launching a new business venture or helping someone upgrade their life, there’s a common thread you’ll find in whatever Jim Bunch does – and that’s bringing out the best in the companies and people he works with while personally maintaining an “Ultimate Life”.
Presented by Peace House Dallas,
The Peace Project, Hope for Peace and Justice, Resounding Harmony and Cathedral of Hope.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
7:30 p.m.
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, Texas
International Day of Peace Celebration:
Celebration, Education & Music
A special evening concert with
Resounding Harmony
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity, and Possibility
with Mindy Audlin & Jim Bunch
Love Offering
What kind of education do you think we would have to give the world's children today in order to create a planet in which wars and violence of any kind would not exist by the year 2029?
Intriguing question, isn't it?
Can you imagine how different your life would be today if you learned the life-skills that the world's wisest elders have accumulated after decades of life experience?
Today, there's an exciting opportunity for your community to join The Peace Project and Be Peace, Teach Peace and Build Peace!
It's the first small step in moving an entire generation towards living together in peace, and it begins with International Day of Peace Sept 21st .
Experts from around the world
have assisted us in creating our
education program, which provides life-skills we can easily use in our daily lives. These skills help us to be happy with our own lives and relationships, and to live peacefully at home, on the job, in our communities, and in our world.
Sunday, September 20
The Ultimate Game of Life
with Jim Bunch
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
"Live the Ultimate Life". Join Jim and his Texas Tuggers group for a lively discussion on creating your "Ultimate Life".
Jim's seminars and workshops have impacted thousands of lives and Jim has worked intimately with organizations such as Century 21, FritoLay, Isagenix, Jack Canfield Trainings, Pitney Bowes, Prudential, Remax, Xerox, and spoken for other top companies such as Arbonne, International Coach Federation, Land America, and Young Presidents Organization. For more information please go to or call 214-352-5005.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
Monday, Sept 21 7:30p.m.
International Day of Peace Celebration, Education and Music
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
An special evening concert with Resounding Harmony
and the insights of Jim Bunch
and Mindy Audlin
What if it All Works Out? Einstein tells us that we can't solve problems with the same thinking that created those problems. Creating a world of peace requires us to adopt a new mindset about our relationships, our communities, and our planet. Join Peace Project advisor Mindy Audlin for an in-depth experience of "Possibility Thinking" and join leading edge peacebuilders in the work of creating a world of peace from the inside out. Mindy Audlin is the founder of The What If Up Club and author of the upcoming book, "What If It All Works Out?
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity & Possibility."
She is the creator of the
"Voices of Peace" series: She is also the innovator behind the Unity.FM online radio network, where she currently hosts a weekly radio program, "The Leading Edge," bringing together the world's top leaders and spiritual teachers for inspiring discussions about the practical application of universal spiritual principles.
Whether it’s launching a new business venture or helping someone upgrade their life, there’s a common thread you’ll find in whatever Jim Bunch does – and that’s bringing out the best in the companies and people he works with while personally maintaining an “Ultimate Life”.
Presented by Peace House Dallas,
The Peace Project, Hope for Peace and Justice, Resounding Harmony and Cathedral of Hope.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
To Eat Meat or Not Eat Meat......That is the Question

Pictured above: Coopers BBQ pit Llano, Texas. Carnivore Heaven
Pictured just below: The Master Cleanse Ingredients (BBQ Antidote)
I'm almost finished the book The Face in Your Plate by Jeffrey Monssoff Masson. It really makes me feel guilty about eating meat (animal flesh).
Monssoff Masson has almost convinced me to become a vegan.
If you're on the fence about being an omnivore, this will tip you over the side.
My diet consists on average a 75/ 25 ratio of Vegetables/ Meat. I maintain this proportion based on the Blood-type dietary recommendations to keep meat in the diet of the O Blood Type, which I am.
The other way I justify keeping animal flesh in my diet is that I cleanse at least 4 times a year (usually more) and get rid of all that nasty animal residue from my system.
This does not address the ethical, humane treatment of animals or any of the other negative issues that are associated with eating meat.
I'm still working on the resolution to this conundrum.
In the meantime, pass me the brisket and some more BBQ sauce!
PS- Life is full of contradictions. Eating meat is full of them. I can't figure out why I still do other than the blood type argument.....and I enjoy the taste.
PS PS- Coopers is the best BBQ I've had in Texas, Try the beef ribs while you're there.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Water Lilly, Mayfield Gardens, Austin, Texas
In some belief systems, today, Wednesday: 09.09.09 has a special significance. It's all in the numbers.
Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher believed that numbers have a vibrational frequency of their own and hold a special meaning in all aspects of life and cycles in nature."There are no accidents" and the numbers that show up in our lives- birthdays, names, addresses, and frequently appearing numbers have a significance / meaning. He devised a system called numerology that assigns characteristic to numbers 1 to 9. One (1) is "start", nine (9) represents "finish". The numbers 1-9 in different combinations have different meanings.
There are different opinions on the significance of 09.09.09.
In Chinese Feng Shui, Master Donna Collins says 09.09.09 is an auspicious day. A good day to initiate new projects/ activities.
Carol May says that 09.09.09 is an “Opening of the Lotus Grid”. This is a beneficial release of energy from the Earth’s heart chakra. There are Lotus Grid openings each year from 2006 to the end of the Mayan calendar on December 22, 2012. The “special days” are: 06.06.06, 07.07.07, 08.08.08, 09.09.09, 10.10.10, and 11.11.11.
There is another group that is assembling today on Mount Magazine, Arkansas for a massive energetic release that is supposed to occur on 09.09.09 from the crystal formations inside the mountain.
Is there anything to these beliefs?
I have no clue, but I am going to initiate several new projects and will take inspired action in several areas of my life today. Why not? I am always looking for an advantage and a reason to take inspired action.
If there is extra energy to be had, I’ll take it.
Use it to your advantage.
09.09.09, it’s going to be a great day!
PS- Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries makes a great 09.09.09 gift!
You can buy it here:
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Canary in the Coal Mine
The view from the running trail under MOPAC Highway, over Lady Bird Lake.
Happy Labor Day!
Today I ran 3.5 miles on Lady Bird Lake trail here in Austin. I'm no longer the avid runner I once was about 8 years ago. Running is my "canary in the coal mine." It's my litmus test that I have my allergies and asthma under control. If I get through a 3+ mile run with no respiratory stress, wheezing, or coughing, I'm in good shape.
Five (5) years ago I could not run 100 yards without my lungs shutting down.
After years of running 5-8 miles multiple times per week, I contracted allergies and asthma that ended one of my favorite past times and put me on the ropes.
In my book Rich Remedies, Volume 1, I discussed how I cured my asthma and allergies through diet, cleansing, and energy medicine. It took me about 60 days to eradicate my crippling respiratory problems. Then, on-going dietary modifications to keep my system alkaline.
Running is no longer a passion of mine. I walk, stationary cycle, and lift weights. If I wanted to distance run I can, but right now it is not something I want to do.
When I do run, usually on Saturday mornings, it's to check out the condition of my lungs and to insure that I do not have asthma.
All systems are "Go". The "canary in my coal mine" is tweeting away. My breathing and lung capacity are good.
To get a copy of my book, go to
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Rich Remedies Supports Whole Foods Market "Buycott"
In an earlier Rich remedies blog post, I discussed my opposition to the Obama Health care plan. I suggested that we all take personal responsibility for our own health in conjunction with enlightened "health coaches", ie doctors,nutritionists, and professional healers of multiple disciplines who practice integrative medicine.
Let's stop eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), exercise, and up-lift our communities with good works and deeds. Mine is a simplistic, idealistic approach to a complex problem.
John Mackey, Founder and CEO of my favorite grocer, Whole Foods Market, offered the Wall Street Journal Op Ed page a detailed, objective, and very well thought out alternative to the multi-trillion budget busting policy the Obama Administration is trying to sell on Capital Hill. Here is the link.
Indignant Obama health care policy boycotters have sprung up (in very small numbers) around the US in front of Whole Foods Market's stores in reaction to John Mackey's constructive criticism of "Obamacare".
Constructive, intelligent debate is no longer tolerated in this country? Cut me a break.
This is liberal fascism at it's worst. I'm going down to the flagship Whole Foods Market here in Austin, Texas and buying as much as I can for the long Labor day weekend. I will "buycott" their boycott.
Many cities around the US have staged Whole Foods Markets "buycotts" whereby shoppers are responding to this attempt to squelch free speech in America with their pocketbooks.
I have shopped at Whole Foods since their first stores opened decades ago. In some cases they were the only stores that carried organic produce, vitamins, herbs, and other healthy products that I use. It's been a leader in helping our country get back to basic, wholesome foods and health.
Defeat this moronic boycott and buy something at Whole Foods Market for your Labor day Weekend family picnic or Bar B Q. "It's the American thing to do".
PS- My book:Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries is not yet available for sale at Whole Foods Market, so buy it online at my website
Let's stop eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), exercise, and up-lift our communities with good works and deeds. Mine is a simplistic, idealistic approach to a complex problem.
John Mackey, Founder and CEO of my favorite grocer, Whole Foods Market, offered the Wall Street Journal Op Ed page a detailed, objective, and very well thought out alternative to the multi-trillion budget busting policy the Obama Administration is trying to sell on Capital Hill. Here is the link.
Indignant Obama health care policy boycotters have sprung up (in very small numbers) around the US in front of Whole Foods Market's stores in reaction to John Mackey's constructive criticism of "Obamacare".
Constructive, intelligent debate is no longer tolerated in this country? Cut me a break.
This is liberal fascism at it's worst. I'm going down to the flagship Whole Foods Market here in Austin, Texas and buying as much as I can for the long Labor day weekend. I will "buycott" their boycott.
Many cities around the US have staged Whole Foods Markets "buycotts" whereby shoppers are responding to this attempt to squelch free speech in America with their pocketbooks.
I have shopped at Whole Foods since their first stores opened decades ago. In some cases they were the only stores that carried organic produce, vitamins, herbs, and other healthy products that I use. It's been a leader in helping our country get back to basic, wholesome foods and health.
Defeat this moronic boycott and buy something at Whole Foods Market for your Labor day Weekend family picnic or Bar B Q. "It's the American thing to do".
PS- My book:Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries is not yet available for sale at Whole Foods Market, so buy it online at my website
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ganoderma Coffee- Rich Remedies Discovers Healthy Coffee

Bingo! Healthy Coffee!
My search has ended. I’ve been looking for a “healthy” coffee for 20 years
I like coffee, but it does not always like me, especially if I drink more than one cup. I get the jitters and the acid affects my stomach. In spite of these side effects, I enjoy my cup of Joe.
My first boxes of healthy coffee arrived today. It’s called Gandoderma, which is the botanical name of its key additive ingredient- ,reishi (ganoderma) mushroom powder. Wow. I can drink my coffee and get a healthy dose of herbal healing at the same time. Guilt free java!
The Gandoderma flavor I purchased is called 4 in 1. It has coffee, reishi mushroom powder, milk solids, and cane sugar. You can get it black if you want to nix the sugar and milk. The 4 in 1 is the way I had it on a visit to Dr. Patrick Price’s office last month. He drinks it so it must be good, as he is very careful about what he consumes (most of the time).
Order here:
Reishi Mushrooms have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years.
It has been said that Reishi is the most revered herbal remedy in some healing circles. Even higher than the much venerated ginseng.
In ancient times reishi was reserved for royalty and the upper classes of Chinese society.
Scarcity is another reason that the mushrooms were not more readily accessible on a mass scale. They are now being cultivated in controlled environments in high quantities, making them available to many more people at a reasonable cost.
Reshi mushrooms are said to help lower blood pressure, calm nerves, boost the immune system, and shrink tumors.
Regular consumption of Reishi may enhance our body's immune system and improve blood circulation. Reishi is recommended as an adaptogen, immune modulator, and a general tonic.
Here is the site to order your healthy coffee:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The "Master Cleanse"

The Master Cleanse was made famous by Beyonce Knowles and Oprah Winfrey for all the weight they were able to shed while on this liquid fast. I tried this out for the first time this week. Cheated the regime with some solid food but followed the recipe for the most part. Tomorrow is my 5th and last day.
My objective is to lose 3-5 pounds and burn some of the remaining beer fat off of my abbs which are peaking through the flab, ever so slightly. Abbs of steel by September 1 was my battle cry. I have 4 more days to get there.
PS- Using Mag O-7 in conjunction with the Master Cleanse. Out in the Ozone again.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Cellular Release- The Body Detective

Dr. Patrick Price, Founder, The Body Detective
Healing Through Cellular Release
In my book, Rich Remedies, Volume 1 I discuss how light therapy, EFT, and regression therapy have been used to relieve deep-seeded emotional traumas that are many times the root-cause of disease. Recently I discovered another healing modality that accomplishes the same results in a unique way by Dr. Patrick Price.
Here is a discussion of Dr Price’s “The Body Detective”
We all posses healing gifts. Some of us have chosen to cultivate them while others choose to allow their skills to lay dormant. The fact is, we all have the capability within us to heal ourselves and others if we acknowledge these gifts and use them. Very often we need the assistance of a professional healing coach to guide us to an understanding of our abilities.
A healing practitioner with a unique process to empower patients is Dr. Patrick Price.
Dr. Patrick Price has highly evolved healing gifts that he shares with his patients at his Chiropractic and Wellness center in Houston, Texas and as well as a new training program he has introduced called The Body Detective.
Dr. Price is a license Chiropractor and Martial Arts Instructor who realized he has a unique intuitive healing gift that emerged in 1995 during a near-death experience. As a result of this experience and years of hands-on clinical research, he has developed a methodology that enables people to participate in their own healing combining the mind, body and spirit.
The Body Detective healing protocol deals with an area Dr Price refers to as Cellular Release. In his program, he helps patients and students develop their own intuitive healing gifts by removing “cellular memory and limiting beliefs.” The kernel of cellular release is stress reduction and elimination using a combination of nutrition, detoxification, and energetic body work. Muscle testing is used to diagnose and expose the energetic blocks or sources of stress in the body.
If we examine the nature of dis-ease, it really comes down to stress and the impact that it has at a cellular level on our health. Science has come to accept that stress factors are the root cause of many chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and many others.
In the introductory Body Detective sessions I attended, Dr Price illustrates how the human immune system and the adrenal systems are often in conflict in the body. The adrenal system creates a bio-field in your body that enables healing. When the adrenals are stressed, they reduce the bio-field and suppress your immune system, reducing the body’s ability to ward off disease. Over-taxed adrenals lead to the suppression of your immune system and open the doorway to illness.
Stress comes from active sources like career issues, work, family, “tribal beliefs”, religious conflict, ethnic conflict, and other personal life challenges that are literally stored in our body at a cellular level. Passive sources of stress include electromagnetic fields (EMF’s), environmental toxins, and other factors that are in our environment. In combination, these factors create dis-ease or a lack of “ease} in our lives.
The Body Detective training addresses human health holistically by taking all of the stress-causing factors into account and gives people the knowledge and tools to actively participate in their own healing at all of these levels.
Conventional Medicine looks at the symptoms of disease and treats them rather than getting to the root cause of the problem which is always a combination of the stress factors described here.
The Body Detective training that intrigued me most and is rarely dealt with in most healing methodologies is our limiting beliefs. Our beliefs have a huge impact on our wellness that many health care professionals in all disciplines are at a loss to help us address.
Dr. Price’s goal is to empower all of us to take control of our healing at all levels so that we can lead happier, healthier, and more productive lives. Most importantly, when we are healthy and centered, we bring peace to those around us and contribute to a better society and planet.
Dr Price is introducing the Body Detective training to leaders in all walks of life with the objective of getting folks who are decision makers to a place where they can have the greatest positive impact on society by reestablishing their life purpose in ways that benefit the most people.
For more information
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Good Luck Son
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Luck Just Improved !- Kissing the Blarney Stone
The Blarney Stone Plaque bears the following inscription:
"The above stone was uncovered by a group of engineers near here on March 7, 1939. Due to appearance it was perceived to have an unusual property. On careful investigation it was found to be identical with a piece of the original Blarney Stone which disappeared in from Blarney Castle near Dublin, Ireland in 1659. This piece of the original Blarney Stone bestows on all who kiss it the gift of eloquent speech."
I kissed the Blarney Stone! In Texas! My LUC just improved. (According to my Irish ancestral lore)
My son Scott enrolled at Texas Tech in Lubbock today. I was told that I needed to kiss the Blarney Stone while I was here on campus. Being an author and in sales,I could not pass up the opportunity to be blessed with the "gift of eloquent speech."
As I wondered the campus, I asked multiple people "where is the Blarney Stone?"
Several laughed out loud and said: "What? The Barney Stone?" Barney the purple dinosaur they know.....but Blarney?
After multiple, incredulous, crossed -eyed looks I decided to call campus information. I was beginning to believe that I was on a "snipe hunt" (a sucker's search for nothing....)
Campus information assured me that a piece of the Blarney Stone was next to the Chemical Engineering Building. After wondering aimlessly about, feeling like a fool, I found the Blarney Stone.
As tradition (and my Irish heritage) dictates, I kissed the sacred stone. After all, what's not to like about eloquent speech? Naturally, I checked the stone to make certain that there were no insects, bird droppings, or traces of other foreign matter on it prior to touching my lips to it's sacred surface. There was a gardener about 20 feet away shaking his head at the nutcase kissing the stone while snapping a photo. It's not the first time I've been called a nut and I'm sure it won't be the last.
Naturally, I plan to have the last Irish laugh.
Rich Remedies, Volume 1 (re-edited available for your reading pleasure at
Also, my book just arrived at the Texas Tech University Library for students ready to take their health to the next level. This is no "blarney."
PS- When I returned to my hotel room this afternoon, following the pilgramage to Blarney,I sprayed some colloidal silver (traveler's friend) in my mouth and on my lips just in case there were some invisible cooties on the stone. Some mischievous prankster might have spread an invisible dollop of "bad mojo" on the stone just for laughs, I thought, after performing the pagan Celtic ritual. Just so I don't end up doing the Irish Mockareina tonight, I medicated. Vigilance!
PS PS- The next antidote is Guinness Stout. It works on everything!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Need Water !
I was at Lake Travis here in Austin for the first time in over a year yesterday and took these photos. The water level is 20 feet below normal due to the third worst drought in Texas history.
The exposed lake bottom is bone dry and looks like the Mojave Desert. We need a tropical storm or drought-breaking hurricane to replenish the dry wells and aquafers.
Some "lake front" properties are now 50 yards from the water. The floating docks are resting on the limestone lake bottom. Some boats are sitting on dry land where there was once water.
We have had 45 straight days of 100 degree plus weather.
The El Nino is on the way.
Bring Rain. Bring Water.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Rich Remedies, Vol 1 - A Frog Story

On my litt'l tour of the Taos Pueblo, I saw the longest inhabited building in North America, 1000 years, look up. Mondo Pueblo.
Accross the way is an art and native american crafts store.
I went into the store and in a joking way asked how we break the drought in Central Texas.
The frog was sold to me as a "Rain Maker". I interpreted that to mean that we will get rain in Central Texas and we will make rain with business. I bought this carving from a Pueblo Sister who told me that it rains when you keep this frog around.
We got rain
I sold the Kayak $$$ and canoe.....
So this frog works. (All I can say is "WOW!") :-) :-)
PS- Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries as mentioned above is now available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook fpormat.
"20 Years of Learnin' in 240 Pages."
Friday, August 14, 2009
Classic Columbia Bicycle for Sale

I'm working on removing some of the "toleration's" from my life, like the unused inventory in my garage. This is part of Jim Bunch's "The Ultimate Game of Life" 24 hour challenge. It's about clearing the decks and opening up your life to new possibilities.
Here is the link:
In actual fact I have been pruning my possessions for 4 months.
This lovely reproduction vintage Columbia bicycle is available on Craig's list.
Hurry, it's going fast!
It's been slowly aging like a fine wine in my garages for over 23 years. I bought it new at the Lambertville, NJ Bicycle Shop on a whim. It struck a chord with me. I felt nostalgic. It's a reproduction vintage vintage bike if that makes sense.
Looking for a loving home.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Rich Remedies, Volume 1 Book Signing (8.13.09) Today Tao Center Austin, Texas
Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Incredible Natural Healing Discoveries book signing in conjunction with Dr. Patrick Price's presentation on Cellular Release- The Body Detective. 7:00PM - 9:00PM.
The Tao Center
5515 Balcones Drive
Austin, Texas 78731
(2 blocks from the intersection of RR 2222 & Route 1 MOPAC Hwy)
See you there!
PS- Photo- "Clouds over Seattle"
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing, Natural Self Healing Discoveries- now available in hard cover

Rich Remedies, Volume 1 hardcovers are now available through my website
This is a re-edited version of my original transcript.
It is still available in softcover and eBook versions.
Book signings this week with Dr. Patrick Price at the Unity Church, Austin 12/ 12/ 09 (today) and tomorrow at the Tao Health Center in Austin.
Dr. Price will be presenting his revolutionary healing process called Cellular Release which is part of a program that he has developed called the "Body Detective".
Very powerful healing techniques. Check out his website and consider attending one of his lectures or classes.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
More Earthship Eco-Friendly Housing blogery

The Earthship communities are an example of how we reconcile economic growth, consumer recycling, energy conservation, and the stewardship of our planet.
I discovered The Taos Earthship Community driving down Route 64, just past the breath-taking Rio Grande Gorge, between Taos, NM and my next destination on a short road trip on the way to, Ojo Caliente (mineral springs) I knew that this development was somewhere near Taos (Two Feather told me) but I did not know exactly where and was not going to go out of my way to see it. There was limited time, no detours allowed.
So it just appeared on the right side of Highway 64.
Check it out at:
Driving on 64 you will see these interesting mound dwellings on the right side of the road, facing east towards the Sangre de Christo Mountain range, in the direction of Taos.
I pulled into the first road I saw and got out to take pictures (see above).
The setting is just beautiful.
The comfort and aesthetics provided in some of the Earthship buildings is remarkable. Great light, use of space, indoor gardens, and a great vibe. They are constructed in part from old tires and empty glass bottles in combination with mud bricks and straw.
“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”
There are six (6) principles in play with these innovative dwellings : Thermal / solar cooling, solar and wind electricity, contained sewage, recycled/ natural building materials, wood harvesting, and food production. What’s not to like about this? Off the grid, clean power, and responsible sewage.
So, you’re off the grid, growing your own food, recycling, and living in a cool place.
“Earthships are green buildings for residential, commercial and government buildings. Earthship buildings have the smallest carbon footprint and perform with the least amount of fossil fuels. Overall, from construction materials, where they came from, how the earthship is design and how it performs... earthships are the most sustainable building method on the planet.”
What’s not to like an Earthship?
PS- Throw a good party, build a mansion!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Earthship Wall- "99 bottles of beer on the wall"

Beer Bottle Walls (y'all)!
There is a really cool community just outside of Taos, NM called Earthship Community. It is built out of recycled materials, adobe bricks, and mortar and other stuff. The houses are funky on the outside, but warm and spacious on the inside with incredible light. Plants, both ornamental and edible grow in the houses.
I chuckled when I looked at a wall that is under construction with empty beer bottles. Some of my favorite empty beers are going into that wall. It looked like any ledge after a weekend party. Empty beers creating a living space. What a great idea!
99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall......
(go down to one)
"1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.
No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall."
"Finish your beer....we have another wall to build.....hurry up!"
PS- This site is copy right protected space......if you copy my stuff, at least give me a mention. This is afterall very profound material. Building communities with beer bottles....... I'll drink to that. Cheers!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Healing Dirt

Chimayo is a religious sanctuary and church located on the High Road between Espanola, NM and Taos, NM. I heard about this place a few days before my trip and decided to visit on my way to Taos.
One of the attractions of Chimayo is the "sacred sand" or dirt that is found in a hole in the room to the side of the Chapel (pictured above).
The legend of Chimayo goes something like this: A priest a found a crucifix, quickly dubbed the miraculous crucifix of Our Lord of Esquipulas. A local priest brought the crucifix to Santa Cruz, but three times it disappeared and was later found back in its hole, where it was originally discovered. By the third time, everyone understood that El Senor de Esquipulas wanted to remain in Chimayo, and so a small chapel was built on the site. Then miraculous healings began. These grew so numerous that the chapel had to be replaced by the larger, current ChimayĆ³ Shrine in 1816.
Chimayo chapel is believed to be built on sacred earth with miraculous healing powers. The shrine El Santuario de ChimayĆ³, is probably the most visited church in New Mexico.
I believe in miracles. If you don't, read my earlier blog on the placebo effect and the fact that over 50% of the prescriptions that are dispensed are actually inert ingredients with no pharmaceutical content. People get well just believing; every day of the week.
Chimayo has an incredible energy. There is something special here. This whole area of Northern New Mexico is enchanted.
I went into the side room just off the chapel where the "holy dirt hole" is located. There were two dime store hand trowels sitting in the hole for the faithful to scoop up. I scooped up some dirt and placed it into a cotton pouch just for good measure.
It is said that the dirt in the hole never runs out.....another mystery.
Can I interest anyone in some dirt?
This stuff fascinates me.....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Organic Adult Beverages
I'm writing Rich Remedies Volume 2 and have been contemplating a chapter on organic wines and beers.
The organic wines are grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. They usually contain little or no sulfites, a preservative that in large quantities can be harmful. I am mildly allergic to sulfites so wines containing high quantities do not agree with me.
The organic beers are made from grains and hops that are grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers and use highly purified water and contain no preservatives or foam stabilizers like some commercial brands.
My experience with these products is mixed. Most of the organic beers that I have tasted are very good. The organic wines on the other hand are very inconsistent, a few undrinkable.
Maybe we should conduct a blind taste test to fully vet this topic?
I'm undecided on the chapter.....
PS- Don't be snookered like I was when I mistook the "Pure beer" on the left for organic when I bought it he other day......mind your labels.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Rich Remedies Health Care Solution for the USA
Here is the simple solution that the Obama Administration is looking for to fix the US Healthcare "Crisis". It requires no increase in deficits, no increases in your taxes, no government supervision, no growth in government, no interference in the current medical system, and no legislation.
US Citizens:
1. Eat less
2. Stop eating junk food and sugar
3.Eat locally grown, organic produce
4.In the absence of locally grown, buy organic produce
5.Drink eight glasses of water per day
6.Exercise 20 minutes per day
7.Find somebody to love
8.Be happy for no reason
9.Help out someone you don't know
10.Give to your favorite charity
11.Have some spritual belief
12. Take full responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and life
13. Cleanse or fast at least 2 times per year
14.Re-read 1-13 and do at least half of these.
We do not need the government getting into our knickers any more than it already is. The Obama health plan is not necessary and will cost us a fortune and ruin the best healthcare system in the world. Get back to basics, take responsibility, and take action.
US Citizens:
1. Eat less
2. Stop eating junk food and sugar
3.Eat locally grown, organic produce
4.In the absence of locally grown, buy organic produce
5.Drink eight glasses of water per day
6.Exercise 20 minutes per day
7.Find somebody to love
8.Be happy for no reason
9.Help out someone you don't know
10.Give to your favorite charity
11.Have some spritual belief
12. Take full responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and life
13. Cleanse or fast at least 2 times per year
14.Re-read 1-13 and do at least half of these.
We do not need the government getting into our knickers any more than it already is. The Obama health plan is not necessary and will cost us a fortune and ruin the best healthcare system in the world. Get back to basics, take responsibility, and take action.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Burning Out- Texas Style

"The high tomorrow in Austin will be 100+ degrees for the 30th time in thirty one days."
How did folks in the old days (before A/C)ever settle the state of Texas?
We are into one of the worst droughts in the state's history.
I was moved to write about this after I went out to my garden this afternoon to pick some peppers, tomatoes, and herbs. The garden is a wasteland. There were 4 small pear tomatoes, a single dried red bell pepper, and one regular red tomato. The only things surviving are rosemary and oregano.
I buy my vegetables locally at Boggy Creek Farm and the Austin Farmer's Market. The local farmers are holding on for dear life. Nothing can thrive in this heat. The only crops that are surviving are the ones that are irrigated with drip lines.
We need a couple of hurricanes. This was supposed to be an active year?
Need to do a rain dance.
PS- This will pass as every other drought in Texas history. Can't wait!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Natural, Organic July 4th- Tour de Austin
Tour de Austin July 4th
Read this post like the kabala- backwards
1.Stop number one- Boggy Creek Farm for some fresh, organic cucumbers, tomatoes, string beans, arugula, and watermelon.
2.Next, 3 mile run Lady Bird Lake. Hot!
3.Swim Barton Spring. 68 degrees straight out of Edwards Aquifer. Refreshing!
4.11:30AM in the park. I'm soaked from running in 98 degree heat. A party gets started early here in Austin. Adult beverages and a suspicious Jamaican odor coming from an unidentified, but very happy group of locals hanging out under ye olde shade tree. "It's 5:00PM somewheres" These guys make me feel really healthy and responsible.
5. Amphibious jeep. Ready for land and water.
6. Lance Armstrong's bicycle shop: Yellow Johnny's (7 yellow jerseys) and Juan Pelota Coffee Shop. I stopeed in for a soy latte in recognition of Lance's re-entry into the Tour de France today after a four year absence "retirement". The TV was on with Lance peddling his heart out. Say what you want about Lance. He has the biggest heart in the world, literally.
7. Whole Foods Market refridgerated beer room. The Belgian Abbey Ale shelf. Paradise found! There is a blessing in every the Catholic Friars say. This Whole Foods Market is the world-wide HQ /show place. My favorite grocery, health food emporium. Thanks John Mackey! An Austin original.
8.Spirited Food Company- Jesse Griffiths, stirring up July 4th treats. I bought bratwurst for tonight's BBQ. Dai Due.
9. Slow food assembled on the counter top.
10. The Jack-in-the-Blog grilling on natural hardwood coals....Dai Due bratwurst.
Incredible dinner!
Fireworks did not materialize. OK
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