Bingo! Healthy Coffee!
My search has ended. I’ve been looking for a “healthy” coffee for 20 years
I like coffee, but it does not always like me, especially if I drink more than one cup. I get the jitters and the acid affects my stomach. In spite of these side effects, I enjoy my cup of Joe.
My first boxes of healthy coffee arrived today. It’s called Gandoderma, which is the botanical name of its key additive ingredient- ,reishi (ganoderma) mushroom powder. Wow. I can drink my coffee and get a healthy dose of herbal healing at the same time. Guilt free java!
The Gandoderma flavor I purchased is called 4 in 1. It has coffee, reishi mushroom powder, milk solids, and cane sugar. You can get it black if you want to nix the sugar and milk. The 4 in 1 is the way I had it on a visit to Dr. Patrick Price’s office last month. He drinks it so it must be good, as he is very careful about what he consumes (most of the time).
Order here:
Reishi Mushrooms have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years.
It has been said that Reishi is the most revered herbal remedy in some healing circles. Even higher than the much venerated ginseng.
In ancient times reishi was reserved for royalty and the upper classes of Chinese society.
Scarcity is another reason that the mushrooms were not more readily accessible on a mass scale. They are now being cultivated in controlled environments in high quantities, making them available to many more people at a reasonable cost.
Reshi mushrooms are said to help lower blood pressure, calm nerves, boost the immune system, and shrink tumors.
Regular consumption of Reishi may enhance our body's immune system and improve blood circulation. Reishi is recommended as an adaptogen, immune modulator, and a general tonic.
Here is the site to order your healthy coffee: http://www.ganodermacoffee.com/go/richremedies
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