Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Probiotics- When a lousy hamburger gets the best of you

In spite of my gentle warnings about factory foods and the Standard American Diet (SAD), my family continues to imbibe on junk food. I don't preach real hard becuse I've never cared for "holier than thou" sermons on what I'm doing wrong in my life.....so I try not to dish it out to others.....

One of my sons is lying in bed today suffering day 2 of food poisoning caught from a local hamburger joint serving what we suspect is bacteria-laden undercooked beef. He knew he shouldn't be eating this garbage but his friends insisted they eat at this hole in the wall......he missed work yesterday and is bed ridden most of today.....food poisoning is no joke.

Since i have had many bouts with bad food in Mexico and other places in my travels, I have become a bit of an expert on dealing with food poisoning, since I have self-recovered numerous times......

My personal remedy is massive amounts of probiotics (good bacteria) to fight off the bad bacteria (usually ecoli or Salmonella) that frequently contaminate mis-handled food.

Life is a battle between good and bad bacteria......probiotics gives the good bacteria the ammunition they need in your gut to win the battle. Before, during, and after travel where I have limited control over where I dine and what I eat, I take probiotic supplements....

I have some information on my website through Shaklee Corporation:


See your healing coach about a probiotic that will help you deal with food poisoning which is happening more and more frequently with all industrial foods....not just meat, but some vegetables as well.....

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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