The Author at Tulum, Mayan Ruins, Tulum, Mexico 2007
Last weekend I was working on wrapping up a project with another volunteer for the Make A Wish Foundation http://www.centralandsouthtexas.wish.org/ when my coworker Justin looked at my water bottle in the 90+ degree heat and said: Hey Rich, what is that white stick in your water, one of your "New Age" gizmos?
The stick he was referring to is a "RA Stick", an alkaline Ion stick that raises the pH in water to 8.5 to 9.0 and negatively charges water to -255 mv: http://www.waterworks4u.com/
When you read my book Rich Remedies, Volume 1 you'll know that I believe getting your body pH ~ 7.0 has beneficial health effects. Diseases can not survive an alkaline environment, they thrive in acidic environments. Drinking Ionic water http://www.richremedies.com/ helps in my opinion.
I was momentarily taken aback by my friends "New Age" reference and made a humorous denial of his charge.
My lingering perception of "New Agers" are people who follow the Druid religion and worship at Stone Henge at Sunrise. Or people who dress up in Gothic costumes and joust. That ain't me.
I guess in reallity this "New Age" label in our society extends to anyone who does anything unconventional.
Justin has my http://www.richremedies.com/ business card with my Ki logo and Hawaiian Island scene emblazoned on it so his immediate reaction to my card was: "Oh, Rich is another Austin "New Age " flake. Quite a normal phenomenon in the land of fruits and nuts....."
So this is a perfect segue into my mission at http://www.richremedies.com/ which is to take the best natural, alternative healing methods that I have discovered during my 20+ years of investigation and experimentation (on me) and share this useful information with anyone who is open to receiving it. If you are looking for an extra advantage in your health, you will find some here. If this is "New Age", than I am guilty as charged.
This New Age label tends to especially stick to me when I make references to Feng Shui and any references to life energy or "Ki" in my writing. The interesting fact is that 2+ billion other people in the Eastern part of this world use Feng Shui and embrace the concept of Ki in their daily lives. This is not New Age to them, but a very mainstream belief system in their society. Kind of like BBQ is to Texans.
The successful Billionaire entrepreneur, Donald Trump uses Feng Shui in most of his luxury buildings. He has to or the Billionaires he is trying to attract from Asia won't step foot in his multimillion dollar properties. If the Donald uses it, trust me, there is an advantage somewhere. Like "the Donald" all I am trying to do with all this stuff is find and use things that give us all an advantage in our lives.
If you are open minded, there are allot of "advantages" to be found in my writing. And, it's not "New Age".
Thank you for reading my New Age rant.
Rebuttals or comments can be sent to www.richremedies.com/blog
PS- Sorry if I offended any card carrying "New Agers".....I just haven't gotten comfortable with that label yet. I know, if the shoe fits wear it.....where there's smoke, there's fire........but I'm still in denial :-) :-) :-)
PS PS: I think my problem with the "New Age" label is it equals in the minds of many "Flake" or a delusional person, which I am clearly not. I guess I will eventually accept the label....maybe.
The stick he was referring to is a "RA Stick", an alkaline Ion stick that raises the pH in water to 8.5 to 9.0 and negatively charges water to -255 mv: http://www.waterworks4u.com/
When you read my book Rich Remedies, Volume 1 you'll know that I believe getting your body pH ~ 7.0 has beneficial health effects. Diseases can not survive an alkaline environment, they thrive in acidic environments. Drinking Ionic water http://www.richremedies.com/ helps in my opinion.
I was momentarily taken aback by my friends "New Age" reference and made a humorous denial of his charge.
My lingering perception of "New Agers" are people who follow the Druid religion and worship at Stone Henge at Sunrise. Or people who dress up in Gothic costumes and joust. That ain't me.
I guess in reallity this "New Age" label in our society extends to anyone who does anything unconventional.
Justin has my http://www.richremedies.com/ business card with my Ki logo and Hawaiian Island scene emblazoned on it so his immediate reaction to my card was: "Oh, Rich is another Austin "New Age " flake. Quite a normal phenomenon in the land of fruits and nuts....."
So this is a perfect segue into my mission at http://www.richremedies.com/ which is to take the best natural, alternative healing methods that I have discovered during my 20+ years of investigation and experimentation (on me) and share this useful information with anyone who is open to receiving it. If you are looking for an extra advantage in your health, you will find some here. If this is "New Age", than I am guilty as charged.
This New Age label tends to especially stick to me when I make references to Feng Shui and any references to life energy or "Ki" in my writing. The interesting fact is that 2+ billion other people in the Eastern part of this world use Feng Shui and embrace the concept of Ki in their daily lives. This is not New Age to them, but a very mainstream belief system in their society. Kind of like BBQ is to Texans.
The successful Billionaire entrepreneur, Donald Trump uses Feng Shui in most of his luxury buildings. He has to or the Billionaires he is trying to attract from Asia won't step foot in his multimillion dollar properties. If the Donald uses it, trust me, there is an advantage somewhere. Like "the Donald" all I am trying to do with all this stuff is find and use things that give us all an advantage in our lives.
If you are open minded, there are allot of "advantages" to be found in my writing. And, it's not "New Age".
Thank you for reading my New Age rant.
Rebuttals or comments can be sent to www.richremedies.com/blog
PS- Sorry if I offended any card carrying "New Agers".....I just haven't gotten comfortable with that label yet. I know, if the shoe fits wear it.....where there's smoke, there's fire........but I'm still in denial :-) :-) :-)
PS PS: I think my problem with the "New Age" label is it equals in the minds of many "Flake" or a delusional person, which I am clearly not. I guess I will eventually accept the label....maybe.
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