Photo of Joe Vitale holding a recent edition of "Austin Fit Magazine" where he was featured on the cover.
Zero Limits- The Most Amazing Story I’ve Ever Heard
If you are looking for clarity around the Law of Attraction, check out Dr. Joe Vitale’s vast body of work on the subject. I’ve been a rabid consumer of these concepts since I purchased my first copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic, “Think and Grow Rich” 25 years ago. Dr. Vitale is the easiest to read and understand of all the authors I’ve come across. He is a living example of using the Law of Attraction to bring about positive change in your life. My personal favorites of Joe’s books are: Zero Limits(the subject of this blog) and The Attractor Factor.
At the Unity Church Expo and Concert on April 4th Joe Viitale marveled at how 25 years ago he was penniless and homeless in the City of Dallas after being scammed out of all of his savings by a phony oil field job- recruiting firm who took his money based on the promise of a high-paying job. After losing all his money and hope for employment, Joe slept in churches and restrooms. After making some major mental and spiritual repairs, Joe went from abject poverty and hopelessness to being an Internet Marketing Guru, star of three movies, bestselling author, motivational speaker, and multimillionaire.
He went “from the outhouse to the White House” as my Daddy used to say.
The speech Joe gave for the Peace Project Conference was based on his book Zero Limits and the riveting story of how one psychologist, Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD was able to bring peace to a maximum security prison for the criminally insane in Hawaii using a technique known as Self I-Dentity Through Ho’Oponopono. Get the book to read the whole fascinating story.
The short version of the Zero Limits story goes like this:
Dr. Hew Len was recruited to work in the Hawaiian psychiatric prison hospital by an administration desperate for employees. The conditions were awful. The worst of the worst. The inmates were not only violent but out of their minds, insane. Worse than your standard maximum security prison population- if you can imagine this.
When he started out, Dr Hew Len made a highly unusual request of the prison administration. One that they could not understand, but were willing to agree to because they were so desperate for help. He wanted access to all of the inmates’ personal records but he did not want any direct, personal interaction with them. How would a therapist treat patients without seeing them, being with them they thought?
As time passed, there was a gradual decline in violence in the prison. Violent prisoners who had to be physically restrained were being released into the general population. Inmate releases began to increase. Staff morale increased while the attrition rate decreased. The over-all complexion of the facility changed dramatically for the better over time. Peace and tranquility replaced violence and despair.
The prison officials were delighted and perplexed. How on Earth were these changes coming about with no obvious, external changes in therapy, procedures, or other factors?
The prison officials went to Dr. Hew Len to see if he had an explanation for this miraculous turn of events in this once dismal, violent institution.
He had an answer that shocked them. He was using a derivative of the ancient Hawaiian spiritual tradition of Ho’Oponopono. (Easy for you to say) The Self I-Dentity method was created by Morrnah, a great kahuna who evolved the process from the traditional method that she had practiced since childhood.
The tenants of Ho’ Oponopono in a nutshell are that we as individuals create our reality and everything we see and experience in it. The good, the bad and the ugly are all based on what we think. We are responsible for everything, no exceptions.
So to “fix” our external conditions, we must fix the internal thoughts and emotions that we are having that created our external reality.
You see violence, poverty, crime, injustice, pain, sickness, or any other negative condition on Earth; you clear yourself to clear these aberrant conditions that you created.. “What’s in you is out there”.
The clearing method Hew Len used to bring peace to the prison is amazingly simple.
He would sit in his office alone and look at the patient’s records a repeat the following:
“I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” That’s it!
He would repeat this over and over and over again all day long. These intentions were healing the patients!
This technique worked so well, they emptied the hospital of inmates and closed the hospital. I know, this sounds farfetched but Joe Vitale investigated documented all of this.
Here’s how it works according to Joe:
By saying “I’m sorry” you are telling the Divine that you want forgiveness inside yourself for whatever brought it to you.
“Please forgive me.” You’re asking the Divine to help you forgive yourself for whatever bad things you or your ancestors have done now or in the past.
“Thank you.” This is an expression of gratitude for resolving your issues.
“I Love You.” Transmutes stuck energy to flowing. It reconnects you to the Divine. The Zero State is one of pure love, with no Limits.
Get it?
Thanks Joe!
PS- This is hard to believe, isn’t it? Get the book, Zero Limits and read the story for yourself.
PS PS- Buy Rich Remedies , Volume 1 while you’re at it for “radiant health”
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