Saturday, April 25, 2009

How I Tackled My Allergies Naturally- Part 2

A Simple Way to Identify the Sources of Allergies

There is a process I call “base lining” that I used to find out the relative severity of my reactions to specific foods and the allergic response they cause in me. Base lining calls for abstaining from all food for 24 – 48 hours and drinking nothing but pure filtered water and if you like, fresh lemon juice. This gets you to a baseline of relative body “purity”. If you can fast longer, you will have better results.

I did this base line fasting after consulting with my nutritionist and naturopath. Any fast requires a healing coach or doctor’s consent and these programs are not recommended for diabetics or people suffering from chronic health conditions. Check with your doctor before you try anything. This is my story, not medical advice so check with your physician.

Once I completed the short cleansing/ fasting period, I very gradually introduce different foods with an understanding that junk foods should always be avoided. This isn’t easy for our society that is immersed in fast food, but it is a source of a lot of our allergies. The fried, fatty, processed foods need to be minimized straight away. The other food groups like dairy, flours, peanuts, corn-based products, and red meat are reintroduced gradually back into so your diet so you can pinpoint the ones your body has an immune response to.

If you immediately cut way back on junk food, you will gain 50% of the benefits of this process. Let’s not kid ourselves’ junk foods are the root cause of most of our illnesses and diseases in America. Don’t even bother base lining these food groups, just get rid of them.

Sadly for me, a childhood staple, ice cream, is the worst offender. It is cold (cold foods are generally to be avoided), it has dairy, sugar, additives, and it is highly processed. Even the organic varieties have sugar and dairy which can cause health problems. It’s the worst. I grew up on it and used to eat pints of ice cream in a single sitting. Not anymore. It is a “mega” allergy catalyst in my body. Bye- bye ice cream!

For me, the biggest three allergy culprits are dairy, wheat and corn products, which are in just about everything. They cannot be avoided, but they can be minimized.
In my experimentation with base lining, I had immediate bad immune system reactions to processed cheese, wheat flours, and corn flour products. There are certain types of beer and wine that also caused a reaction in me because in the case of beer they have high wheat content, and in wine they contain sulphites as a preservative. After consuming these, wheezing, runny nose, and sneezing resulted. I knew immediately that these foods needed to be avoided or substantially reduce. It’s tough to do and you will never eliminate them completely, but you can significantly reduce their effects on your health by minimizing their consumption and by reading labels. By reducing these offending foods, you are giving your immune system a rest and reserves to fight off your body’s real enemies- pathogens and environmental toxins.
When I ate green vegetables and fresh fruits after base lining, there was no allergic reaction what so ever. Your body knows when you are being kind to it. Nutritious, healthy foods make you feel great. There is rarely an allergic reaction to healthy, fresh “live” foods unless you have a unique situation.

Grass-fed chicken, beef, and certain species of fish also rendered no allergic reaction either. Shell fish did cause some reaction.
Gradually I introduced all types of foods into my diet in quantities proportionate to the reactions that I was experiencing from my baseline experiment.
You’ve got to understand that I went through this process because I was suffering big time. I was miserable.

I went from running 5 miles at a time to barely running 100 yards before asthma would l kick in and begin to suffocate me. The allergies were causing major disruptions to my active life and I was committed to defeating them. I tell the whole story and more in my book: Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries.
You can’t stop living and enjoying satisfying comfort foods, no matter what they contain. However, you can judiciously scale back their consumption and significantly reduce your allergy symptoms and lose excess weight in the bargain. Foods are the number one source of allergies so anything that you can do to consciously consume them will result in less allergy suffering.

In part 3 of this article I will discuss my final step in my process for eliminating allergies- 100%.
Good heath!



PS- You can buy my book at

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