On my way from Los Angeles to San Diego in my rented PT Cruiser (no wonder Chrysler is having troubles)I made a pit stop at San Onofre State Beach Park three miles down I-5 from San Clemente. This was a Tuesday afternoon in the middle of our work week.
My sport coat, starched white shirt, and business attire, combined with my livery, the very "hip" PT Cruiser were completely out of character with the scene on the beach below. I looked like the "Bank Dick", a title WC Fields used for one of his movies. A corporate square in this sea of hipness. Appearances are deceiving, you know. I don't think his term "dick" has the same meaning today.
My mission was to stick my big toe in the Pacific Ocean, just to say I did it, take a leak, and snap a few photos.
The fee to enter the beach, which is down a winding road from atop a hill was $10.00/ vehicle. Reasonable considering the breath-taking scenery, but expensive for this penny pinching "transient" from Texas who just had enough time to visit the lew and snap a few photos. After all, some of us have to work. Or so I thought.
There were 100+ surfers in the water and a half that many on the beach BBQing, hiking, reading, smoking, or just chilling out. A few appeared to be playing "beach banket bingo".
From my distant perch, it appeared as if no one in this crowd had a care in the world. The collective blood pressure reading from the entire assemblage was probably less than mine.
I live vicariously through these bohemians who seem to have not a care in the world. The main concerns of the day appear to be: keeping the dreadlocks properly matted, the tattoos moist, the piercings disinfected/ polished, and the beer cold. Oh and extra wax on the surf board duuuude. If I sound bitter, well I am. They're frolicking in the waves and I'm rushing to a business meeting. What's wrong with this picture?
My lesson? Pull off the highway at a big rest stop w/ fast food and dirty toilets. That way I feel like the king of the hill on a mission from God.
Just kidding of course.... :-) :-)
PS- The downside from sitting on the ridge above the Pacific surf was that a flock of sea gulls flew over me and dropped a depth charge about 2 inches from where I was sitting. If the wind was a little stronger it would have landed squarely on my pristine, white shirt, or worse.....
Macrobiotics is not a diet. Macrobiotics is an orderly approach to diet and lifestyle. Through principles of harmony, balance and change we continually learn how to make healthier choices in our eating habits, diet, activity and lifestyle.
Macrobiotics is also based on the understanding that spiritual health, the development of endless appreciation for all of life, leads to mental, emotional and physical health. The healthy choices we each make on a daily basis also benefit society and the environment.
-Denny Waxman
Note from RichRemedies:
Thanks Denny! You're the Man!
For those who do not know, Denny Waxman who commented here is one of the leading authorities in the world on Macrobiotics.
Twenty plus years ago I discovered Macrobiotics at his East/ West Foundation on South Street in Philly. It helped me cure an ulcer I was suffering from at the time.
I agree with Denny's comments about Macrobiotics not just being a diet I sometimes lapse into simplicity.
Thank you!
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