Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Peace Project Foundation Blog

Here is a portion of the Winter 2009 News Letter from the Peace Project Foundation. I have agreed to write the blogs for this worthy cause during the coming months. I will discuss the reasons for joining the Peace Project next week. Until then.....


Can peace education create happy communities?

The latest in scientific research shows that we can share our collective intention for reducing violence and healing discord through city-wide collective prayer, meditation, and directed consciousness experiences that honor all paths and exclude no one. It is now possible to track and measure the effect of our collective efforts on conditions and events in our world.

YOU are on the cutting edge of a breakthrough moment in which technology joins with our collective heart’s desire for flourishing cities.
Intrigued by Eric Weiner’s book, The Geography of Bliss: One Grump’s Guide to the Happiest Places in the World, I wondered, “Have we forgotten how to be happy? Have we forgotten the way to peace? And what if rather than working so hard to make money all the time, we donated just four hours a month to make each other happy, centered and peaceful?” I found that the happiness and good health of a country are related, the better the health of its citizens, the higher the happiness quotient of the country. If we could put together a program of easy lessons that make people healthier and happier, wouldn’t they be more peaceful and more productive? What if every citizen around the world learned Peace Skills – a set of skills that would allow them to alleviate stress, improve health, and give them the capacity to deal with all that life brings in a peaceful, compassionate way? And so The Peace Project was born: a bold new program that provides peace education to the public for free! The Peace Project will reach out to communities around the globe and work through schools, large corporations, small businesses, faith-based organizations, and other non –profit organizations to provide a variety of collaborative events. The basic design of The Peace Project involves systematic education with participation by people from all faith traditions, spiritual practices, as well as those whose belief systems may be based on humanism and secular ethics or nature philosophy. Citizens of any Peace Project community will receive specialized training (at no charge) from The Peace Project staff in skills to enhance peaceful living such as HeartMath, EFT, Nonviolent Communication and Meditation and a host of others classes.

Dallas, Texas is our test case city. Education programs started in June of 2008. The Peace Project in Dallas involves formatting Peace Education Skills that can easily be passed from one person to another or one city to another. We are formatting The Peace Project in an easy guide book so the project can be set up any where in the world. Each event and part of The Peace Project require no money to operate – a group of devoted peace builder make everything happen.

To test the efficacy of The Peace Project, the citizens of Dallas will participate in a study to reduce crime and enhance peace in the metroplex using their new skills combined with the power of intentional consciousness, meditation, and/or prayer. Working with The Gandhi King Chavez Season for Peace and Nonviolence, The Peace Project Foundation is inviting Dallas civic leaders and surrounding municipalities to create sacred service partnerships for peace.

The collective intention study will be activated by participants through the lens of their particular sacred and ethical practice during a prescribed period of time over the course of several months. Researchers will collect and compare a variety of historical and real-time data, taking care to control for as many variable contributing factors as is realistic.

Prior studies have showed a reduction of more than 20% in violent crime as a result of the studied intervention, and are part of the archive providing scientific basis for the program, which includes over three decades of peer-reviewed, published studies conducted in cities around the world. The City of

Dallas will be included in the program at no cost by working with us to provide non-private emergency call center data and statistics so we can assess efficacy of the studied intervention.

The study’s conveners, the Association for Global New Thought and The Peace Project Foundation, are cultivating relationships with city officials, political representatives, and law enforcement agencies in order to obtain necessary measures of quality of life improvement (crime statistics, emergency call data, domestic violence reports, etc.). This will provide the study with the dynamic “quality of community” data necessary for analysis by world-renowned scientists, mathematicians, and criminologists.

In order to assess reduction in crime for the ongoing studies, our research team in biostatistics will evaluate 911 emergency call data (variations in volume and type of calls - no private data needed) to quantify crime reduction. Our team’s 10 month of Peace Skill Education will be celebrated at an interfaith celebration to take place April 4th 2009. Our scientific findings will be release with a journal of our program in the fall of 2009.

We sincerely hope that you will take the next step to assist this program and its possibilities, as we feel The Peace Project holds enormous promise for improving quality of life, creating social harmony, and creating a generational legacy of enhanced peace in our world.


Donna Collins
Executive Director
The Peace Project




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