Here is a link to a FREE ebook on curing cancer:
I don't recommend anything......I just make useful information that I find known.
Thank you Zhen-Go Wang! We are grateful for this information.
Check this out.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
International Day of Peace, September 21, 2009
Join us Monday, September 21
7:30 p.m.
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, Texas
International Day of Peace Celebration:
Celebration, Education & Music
A special evening concert with
Resounding Harmony
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity, and Possibility
with Mindy Audlin & Jim Bunch
Love Offering
What kind of education do you think we would have to give the world's children today in order to create a planet in which wars and violence of any kind would not exist by the year 2029?
Intriguing question, isn't it?
Can you imagine how different your life would be today if you learned the life-skills that the world's wisest elders have accumulated after decades of life experience?
Today, there's an exciting opportunity for your community to join The Peace Project and Be Peace, Teach Peace and Build Peace!
It's the first small step in moving an entire generation towards living together in peace, and it begins with International Day of Peace Sept 21st .
Experts from around the world
have assisted us in creating our
education program, which provides life-skills we can easily use in our daily lives. These skills help us to be happy with our own lives and relationships, and to live peacefully at home, on the job, in our communities, and in our world.
Sunday, September 20
The Ultimate Game of Life
with Jim Bunch
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
"Live the Ultimate Life". Join Jim and his Texas Tuggers group for a lively discussion on creating your "Ultimate Life".
Jim's seminars and workshops have impacted thousands of lives and Jim has worked intimately with organizations such as Century 21, FritoLay, Isagenix, Jack Canfield Trainings, Pitney Bowes, Prudential, Remax, Xerox, and spoken for other top companies such as Arbonne, International Coach Federation, Land America, and Young Presidents Organization. For more information please go to or call 214-352-5005.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
Monday, Sept 21 7:30p.m.
International Day of Peace Celebration, Education and Music
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
An special evening concert with Resounding Harmony
and the insights of Jim Bunch
and Mindy Audlin
What if it All Works Out? Einstein tells us that we can't solve problems with the same thinking that created those problems. Creating a world of peace requires us to adopt a new mindset about our relationships, our communities, and our planet. Join Peace Project advisor Mindy Audlin for an in-depth experience of "Possibility Thinking" and join leading edge peacebuilders in the work of creating a world of peace from the inside out. Mindy Audlin is the founder of The What If Up Club and author of the upcoming book, "What If It All Works Out?
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity & Possibility."
She is the creator of the
"Voices of Peace" series: She is also the innovator behind the Unity.FM online radio network, where she currently hosts a weekly radio program, "The Leading Edge," bringing together the world's top leaders and spiritual teachers for inspiring discussions about the practical application of universal spiritual principles.
Whether it’s launching a new business venture or helping someone upgrade their life, there’s a common thread you’ll find in whatever Jim Bunch does – and that’s bringing out the best in the companies and people he works with while personally maintaining an “Ultimate Life”.
Presented by Peace House Dallas,
The Peace Project, Hope for Peace and Justice, Resounding Harmony and Cathedral of Hope.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
7:30 p.m.
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, Texas
International Day of Peace Celebration:
Celebration, Education & Music
A special evening concert with
Resounding Harmony
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity, and Possibility
with Mindy Audlin & Jim Bunch
Love Offering
What kind of education do you think we would have to give the world's children today in order to create a planet in which wars and violence of any kind would not exist by the year 2029?
Intriguing question, isn't it?
Can you imagine how different your life would be today if you learned the life-skills that the world's wisest elders have accumulated after decades of life experience?
Today, there's an exciting opportunity for your community to join The Peace Project and Be Peace, Teach Peace and Build Peace!
It's the first small step in moving an entire generation towards living together in peace, and it begins with International Day of Peace Sept 21st .
Experts from around the world
have assisted us in creating our
education program, which provides life-skills we can easily use in our daily lives. These skills help us to be happy with our own lives and relationships, and to live peacefully at home, on the job, in our communities, and in our world.
Sunday, September 20
The Ultimate Game of Life
with Jim Bunch
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
"Live the Ultimate Life". Join Jim and his Texas Tuggers group for a lively discussion on creating your "Ultimate Life".
Jim's seminars and workshops have impacted thousands of lives and Jim has worked intimately with organizations such as Century 21, FritoLay, Isagenix, Jack Canfield Trainings, Pitney Bowes, Prudential, Remax, Xerox, and spoken for other top companies such as Arbonne, International Coach Federation, Land America, and Young Presidents Organization. For more information please go to or call 214-352-5005.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
Monday, Sept 21 7:30p.m.
International Day of Peace Celebration, Education and Music
Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd.
Dallas, TX
Love Offering
An special evening concert with Resounding Harmony
and the insights of Jim Bunch
and Mindy Audlin
What if it All Works Out? Einstein tells us that we can't solve problems with the same thinking that created those problems. Creating a world of peace requires us to adopt a new mindset about our relationships, our communities, and our planet. Join Peace Project advisor Mindy Audlin for an in-depth experience of "Possibility Thinking" and join leading edge peacebuilders in the work of creating a world of peace from the inside out. Mindy Audlin is the founder of The What If Up Club and author of the upcoming book, "What If It All Works Out?
Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity & Possibility."
She is the creator of the
"Voices of Peace" series: She is also the innovator behind the Unity.FM online radio network, where she currently hosts a weekly radio program, "The Leading Edge," bringing together the world's top leaders and spiritual teachers for inspiring discussions about the practical application of universal spiritual principles.
Whether it’s launching a new business venture or helping someone upgrade their life, there’s a common thread you’ll find in whatever Jim Bunch does – and that’s bringing out the best in the companies and people he works with while personally maintaining an “Ultimate Life”.
Presented by Peace House Dallas,
The Peace Project, Hope for Peace and Justice, Resounding Harmony and Cathedral of Hope.
For more information, go to or or call 214-352-5005.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
To Eat Meat or Not Eat Meat......That is the Question

Pictured above: Coopers BBQ pit Llano, Texas. Carnivore Heaven
Pictured just below: The Master Cleanse Ingredients (BBQ Antidote)
I'm almost finished the book The Face in Your Plate by Jeffrey Monssoff Masson. It really makes me feel guilty about eating meat (animal flesh).
Monssoff Masson has almost convinced me to become a vegan.
If you're on the fence about being an omnivore, this will tip you over the side.
My diet consists on average a 75/ 25 ratio of Vegetables/ Meat. I maintain this proportion based on the Blood-type dietary recommendations to keep meat in the diet of the O Blood Type, which I am.
The other way I justify keeping animal flesh in my diet is that I cleanse at least 4 times a year (usually more) and get rid of all that nasty animal residue from my system.
This does not address the ethical, humane treatment of animals or any of the other negative issues that are associated with eating meat.
I'm still working on the resolution to this conundrum.
In the meantime, pass me the brisket and some more BBQ sauce!
PS- Life is full of contradictions. Eating meat is full of them. I can't figure out why I still do other than the blood type argument.....and I enjoy the taste.
PS PS- Coopers is the best BBQ I've had in Texas, Try the beef ribs while you're there.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Water Lilly, Mayfield Gardens, Austin, Texas
In some belief systems, today, Wednesday: 09.09.09 has a special significance. It's all in the numbers.
Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher believed that numbers have a vibrational frequency of their own and hold a special meaning in all aspects of life and cycles in nature."There are no accidents" and the numbers that show up in our lives- birthdays, names, addresses, and frequently appearing numbers have a significance / meaning. He devised a system called numerology that assigns characteristic to numbers 1 to 9. One (1) is "start", nine (9) represents "finish". The numbers 1-9 in different combinations have different meanings.
There are different opinions on the significance of 09.09.09.
In Chinese Feng Shui, Master Donna Collins says 09.09.09 is an auspicious day. A good day to initiate new projects/ activities.
Carol May says that 09.09.09 is an “Opening of the Lotus Grid”. This is a beneficial release of energy from the Earth’s heart chakra. There are Lotus Grid openings each year from 2006 to the end of the Mayan calendar on December 22, 2012. The “special days” are: 06.06.06, 07.07.07, 08.08.08, 09.09.09, 10.10.10, and 11.11.11.
There is another group that is assembling today on Mount Magazine, Arkansas for a massive energetic release that is supposed to occur on 09.09.09 from the crystal formations inside the mountain.
Is there anything to these beliefs?
I have no clue, but I am going to initiate several new projects and will take inspired action in several areas of my life today. Why not? I am always looking for an advantage and a reason to take inspired action.
If there is extra energy to be had, I’ll take it.
Use it to your advantage.
09.09.09, it’s going to be a great day!
PS- Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries makes a great 09.09.09 gift!
You can buy it here:
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Canary in the Coal Mine
The view from the running trail under MOPAC Highway, over Lady Bird Lake.
Happy Labor Day!
Today I ran 3.5 miles on Lady Bird Lake trail here in Austin. I'm no longer the avid runner I once was about 8 years ago. Running is my "canary in the coal mine." It's my litmus test that I have my allergies and asthma under control. If I get through a 3+ mile run with no respiratory stress, wheezing, or coughing, I'm in good shape.
Five (5) years ago I could not run 100 yards without my lungs shutting down.
After years of running 5-8 miles multiple times per week, I contracted allergies and asthma that ended one of my favorite past times and put me on the ropes.
In my book Rich Remedies, Volume 1, I discussed how I cured my asthma and allergies through diet, cleansing, and energy medicine. It took me about 60 days to eradicate my crippling respiratory problems. Then, on-going dietary modifications to keep my system alkaline.
Running is no longer a passion of mine. I walk, stationary cycle, and lift weights. If I wanted to distance run I can, but right now it is not something I want to do.
When I do run, usually on Saturday mornings, it's to check out the condition of my lungs and to insure that I do not have asthma.
All systems are "Go". The "canary in my coal mine" is tweeting away. My breathing and lung capacity are good.
To get a copy of my book, go to
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Rich Remedies Supports Whole Foods Market "Buycott"
In an earlier Rich remedies blog post, I discussed my opposition to the Obama Health care plan. I suggested that we all take personal responsibility for our own health in conjunction with enlightened "health coaches", ie doctors,nutritionists, and professional healers of multiple disciplines who practice integrative medicine.
Let's stop eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), exercise, and up-lift our communities with good works and deeds. Mine is a simplistic, idealistic approach to a complex problem.
John Mackey, Founder and CEO of my favorite grocer, Whole Foods Market, offered the Wall Street Journal Op Ed page a detailed, objective, and very well thought out alternative to the multi-trillion budget busting policy the Obama Administration is trying to sell on Capital Hill. Here is the link.
Indignant Obama health care policy boycotters have sprung up (in very small numbers) around the US in front of Whole Foods Market's stores in reaction to John Mackey's constructive criticism of "Obamacare".
Constructive, intelligent debate is no longer tolerated in this country? Cut me a break.
This is liberal fascism at it's worst. I'm going down to the flagship Whole Foods Market here in Austin, Texas and buying as much as I can for the long Labor day weekend. I will "buycott" their boycott.
Many cities around the US have staged Whole Foods Markets "buycotts" whereby shoppers are responding to this attempt to squelch free speech in America with their pocketbooks.
I have shopped at Whole Foods since their first stores opened decades ago. In some cases they were the only stores that carried organic produce, vitamins, herbs, and other healthy products that I use. It's been a leader in helping our country get back to basic, wholesome foods and health.
Defeat this moronic boycott and buy something at Whole Foods Market for your Labor day Weekend family picnic or Bar B Q. "It's the American thing to do".
PS- My book:Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries is not yet available for sale at Whole Foods Market, so buy it online at my website
Let's stop eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), exercise, and up-lift our communities with good works and deeds. Mine is a simplistic, idealistic approach to a complex problem.
John Mackey, Founder and CEO of my favorite grocer, Whole Foods Market, offered the Wall Street Journal Op Ed page a detailed, objective, and very well thought out alternative to the multi-trillion budget busting policy the Obama Administration is trying to sell on Capital Hill. Here is the link.
Indignant Obama health care policy boycotters have sprung up (in very small numbers) around the US in front of Whole Foods Market's stores in reaction to John Mackey's constructive criticism of "Obamacare".
Constructive, intelligent debate is no longer tolerated in this country? Cut me a break.
This is liberal fascism at it's worst. I'm going down to the flagship Whole Foods Market here in Austin, Texas and buying as much as I can for the long Labor day weekend. I will "buycott" their boycott.
Many cities around the US have staged Whole Foods Markets "buycotts" whereby shoppers are responding to this attempt to squelch free speech in America with their pocketbooks.
I have shopped at Whole Foods since their first stores opened decades ago. In some cases they were the only stores that carried organic produce, vitamins, herbs, and other healthy products that I use. It's been a leader in helping our country get back to basic, wholesome foods and health.
Defeat this moronic boycott and buy something at Whole Foods Market for your Labor day Weekend family picnic or Bar B Q. "It's the American thing to do".
PS- My book:Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries is not yet available for sale at Whole Foods Market, so buy it online at my website
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Ganoderma Coffee- Rich Remedies Discovers Healthy Coffee

Bingo! Healthy Coffee!
My search has ended. I’ve been looking for a “healthy” coffee for 20 years
I like coffee, but it does not always like me, especially if I drink more than one cup. I get the jitters and the acid affects my stomach. In spite of these side effects, I enjoy my cup of Joe.
My first boxes of healthy coffee arrived today. It’s called Gandoderma, which is the botanical name of its key additive ingredient- ,reishi (ganoderma) mushroom powder. Wow. I can drink my coffee and get a healthy dose of herbal healing at the same time. Guilt free java!
The Gandoderma flavor I purchased is called 4 in 1. It has coffee, reishi mushroom powder, milk solids, and cane sugar. You can get it black if you want to nix the sugar and milk. The 4 in 1 is the way I had it on a visit to Dr. Patrick Price’s office last month. He drinks it so it must be good, as he is very careful about what he consumes (most of the time).
Order here:
Reishi Mushrooms have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years.
It has been said that Reishi is the most revered herbal remedy in some healing circles. Even higher than the much venerated ginseng.
In ancient times reishi was reserved for royalty and the upper classes of Chinese society.
Scarcity is another reason that the mushrooms were not more readily accessible on a mass scale. They are now being cultivated in controlled environments in high quantities, making them available to many more people at a reasonable cost.
Reshi mushrooms are said to help lower blood pressure, calm nerves, boost the immune system, and shrink tumors.
Regular consumption of Reishi may enhance our body's immune system and improve blood circulation. Reishi is recommended as an adaptogen, immune modulator, and a general tonic.
Here is the site to order your healthy coffee:
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