Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"The Second Gift from Silkworms"- Serrapeptase

Serrapeptase is an enzyme originally discovered and extracted from the stomach of silk worms. Yes, the same worms that dine on mulberry leaves and spin webs of silk that we make threads for fine clothing and sheets.

Well it turns out that this stomach enzyme, serrapeptase has some miraculous anti inflammatory properties for applications in cholesterol lowering, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, lung congestion, and a whole slew of other inflammatory ailments according to many nutritional authorities. See this link:

Allot is being written today about inflammation and it's direct link to all manner of illness. Where you find inflammation, you find disease. This may be the natural alternative to chemical-based anti inflamatories? The clinical research available on the Internet suggests it might be......



Note: This is provided for information puposes only. I do not recommend or endorse the use of any nutritional supplements. Always check first with your doctor or healing coach.

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