At the book signing yesterday in Austin I told people that my book Rich Remedies, Volume 1 is 20 years of healing experience baked into a couple of hours of reading. And it's true. It's a real time saver and money saver if you're serious about your health and want to benefit from the experience of others (me).
Here's how I tell people to use the book:
1.Read the book.
2.If you don't like to read, skim though the book and just read passages that catch your eye.
3.If something looks interesting, consult a healing coach and ask their advice:
I have worked with a number of great allopathic and naturopathic healers. Before you do anything to treat a disease or illness, find a physician or healer who embraces all modalities of healing. This can be an enlightened MD, a holistic doctor, or naturopathic physician. When you find a good physician, be a co-pilot in your diagnosis and treatment. They are only your coach. You are responsible for the cure.
For a directory of physicians in your area contact the American Holistic Medical Association (PO Box 2016, Edmonds, WA 98020; Phone: 425-967-0737; Fax: 425-771-9588; e-mail: INFO@holisticmedicine.org).
Find a clinically trained, degreed nutritionist to aid you in your health plan. This is tricky because there are a lot of people who have a nutritionist degree, but don’t really know what they are talking about. You can get a correspondence course degree off of the back of a bubble gum wrapper and claim to be a nutritionist. A starting place for names is your local health food store or contact the
American Dietetic Association (120 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, Ill. 60606; Member Services Phone: (312)-877-1600 ext4864; website: www.eatright.org). I tried to do all of this healing stuff on my own, and have confirmed that the least successful patient acts as his own doctor. Get a trained, qualified healing coach.
Your cure: Nothing works the same way for everyone. Every body, mind, and soul has a unique blueprint that has to be matched with the correct cure. We have different genes, ancestors, tribal beliefs, environments, climates, magnetic earth fields, life experiences, blood types, and other unique characteristics that make global recommendations for cures impossible. There are general rules of thumb that can be applied to everyone. Find the ones that work (resonate) for you. I have found a few that are worth your consideration.
4.Clean your drinking water. Your body is 75% water. This alone will deliver incredible benefits. Buy a water ionizer or a simple sink top filtration system. I have them for sale on my website: www.richremedies.com
5.Get Alkaline. Eat Fresh, organic vegetables and drink your clean water.
6.Give- Find one (1) local community service agency that resonates with you and volunteer your time. Helping others helps yourself.
These are the simplest things to get started today. KEEP IT SIMPLE, MAKE IT EASY to START.......
More later.....
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