Photo of Oleander Bush and Oleander dog.
Here we go again!
Another "miracle cure". In your backyard no less!
If I did not believe in nature's ability to mend and heal itself I wouldn't waste my time bringing this stuff to any one's attention.
Check out:
One entry that got my attention was on "Oleander soup".
I have Oleander bushes growing in my backyard in Austin, Texas so this stuff is literally free to me or anyone who can hop my fence and isn't afraid of my 100+ pound male Rhodesian Ridgeback, Petey (pictured above) They say on this website that this is a cure for cancer. I make no such representations. This is provided for informational purposes only.
Here's the recipe:
If it tastes anything like Essiac Tea, you'll gag swallowing it. I've found a pattern with most anti parasitic/ antimicrobial tonics. They taste awful. If you hate the taste, chances are the bugs that are living off your flesh will hate it as well.
In my next book,"Rich Remedies, Volume 2" I have a chapter dedicated to parasites. Can't wait to read it, can you? If you're travelling to Mexico or anywhere they have "cootie's" in the water supply, it's required reading unless you want to spend your trip on the thrown (el bano).
PS- "Signing Rich Remedies, Volume 1" this weekend at the Keep Austin Bizarre Xmas Bizarre at the Palmer Events center on Barton Spring Road next to the Long Center. Be there or be square.
If you would like to know more about oleander, I have spent a considerable amount of time researching it and ended up writing a book about it (the one mentioned at Cancertutor in fact).
I also wrote a number of articles which have appeared at venues such as Natural News, the American Chronicle, the Crusador, etc.
You can find those articles, as well as other information under The Oleander Series of articles at
Dquiote 1217- Thank you!
I'm always on the lookout for unique, "game changing" remedies that are off the beaten, worn-down cowpath of conventional healing. I'll check it out.
PS- it's amazing what you can find waving a stick at a windmill :-)
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