The Internet is full of Law of Attraction and manifesting wealth experts/ coaches.
I met THE MAN in this area on Saturday, Joe Vitale, author of "The Attractor Factor" amongst many other titles. Parked in front of the store Rancho de Luxe in Wimberley, Texas that hosted a book signing for Joe was a brand new Rolls Royce luxury sedan that Joe purchased, priced in the range of a cool $400,000 (pictured here). This is "exhibit Z" in a long line of demonstrations that his methodology really works. He even conducted his first "Roll Royce Mastermind" brainstorming session in the car on Friday night while driving it through the Texas Hill Country.
This exotic luxury liner was purchased a few weeks ago when it was clear that the global stock market was in a free-fall, the subprime mortgage securities market had infected every economy around the world, a recession is in full swing, and the worst decline on Wall Street since the crash of 1929 that started the Great Depression was in play.
My point here is not to applaud conspicuous consumption, exotic luxury goods, or any of the baggage that gets attached to being wealthy in the present economy. The point here is that we all have the ability to overcome the economic mass-media mass hysteria by disconnecting from it and choosing prosperity consciousness over scarcity consciousness. Joe's act is symbolic. He's sending the signal to the Universe that he is not going to play the game from a fear consciousness position, but from an abundance/ prosperity consciousness vibe. He is giving FEAR the one finger salute here. So should all of us!
Joe in defiance of this global mass hysteria, went ahead with a huge luxury goods purchase without a second thought. This is because he has incredible confidence in his ability (everyone's) to continuously manifest wealth with deliberate Intent. This goes for health and happiness as well.
Let's face it, it is not all about money. But money is the energy that enables us to be free to do good works and help others in need rather than be preoccupied with paying the rent. It's not about greed, but the ability to be prosperous and generous at the same time.
Joe has written about this ability and demonstrated it in life multiple times and offers template for how he does it in the "Attractor Factor".
I gave Joe a copy of my book "Rich Remedies, Volume 1" for inspiration that I received from two of his other books "Zero Limits" and "Hypnotic Writing" as well as a larger body of work that he has created.
Three (3) signed copies of "Attractor Factor" were purchased for my wife Linda and my children Scott, Emily, and Christian as well as another friend. I highly recommend this book.I am reading the book for the second time. Check it out.
PS- It's not about being rich for money's sake but about having enough to be comfortable and give to others.
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