Friday, October 24, 2008

Fifty percent (50%) of Doctor's Prescriptions are Placebos!

The National Institutes of Health confirmed today that approximately 50% of the prescriptions given to patients are placebos (fakes) These include:inert ingredients, vitamins, nonsteroidal anti inflamatories, low dose antibiotics, and/ or sedatives.

"You mean to tell me, Doc, I'm getting better, esentially taking nothing?"

To quote myself in "Rich Remedies, Volume 1, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries"

"All schools of medicine work at some level, including the “placebo effect” where a patient is given a sugar pill, instead of real medicine, then gets better just because she believes she is better, even though the pill she is taking is a blank. This is the power of “Intention” which is: If you believe in the cure, you increase your chances of getting better tenfold. The placebo effect, although scorned by many in the medical establishment is actually the most powerful natural remedy there is. There is nothing more powerful than your mind when it comes to healing yourself."

I was right! Except that I did not give doctors enough credit for issuing blanks to thair patients.

I guess a retraction is in order. I said that the medical establishment scorns the use of placebos. I am dead wrong. They use them 50% of the time! I'll fix this when I sell out the curent 10,000 volume book run I've got going:-) :-) For the full story browse National Institutes of Health- Placebo or use this link below.

Link to story:

Reasons given for doctors issuing blanks are:
>Get rid of the patient- throw them a bone so they'll leave the doctor's office
>Patient insists on getting a prescription
>Nothing else worked on a patient, so try a blank
>Parent needs to see their child being treated with something/ anything so placebo is given to make them happy

It's all in the mind, isn't it?

PS- Buy your copy of Rich Remedies Volume 1 at:

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