Thursday, July 31, 2008

What Attracted This? - A "Clash Day"

A week ago my wife Linda had an automobile accident at 5:45 AM (see photo) on her way to yoga.

A young man driving a Jeep Wrangler crossed the road median line at an intersection, crossing into her lane, running head-on into Linda's Mazda, activating the safety airbags and destroying the entire front end of her vehicle.

No one was seriously injured in the accident, but Linda has a lingering neck and head ache that we are monitoring with our physicians in the event that there is serious trauma that has not surfaced yet. As you can see from the photo, the Mazda is a total loss. We are fortunate that no one was killed or maimed by this wreckage.

I've been asking myself "what attracted this to us?" You may say, "this is an accident.....a chance event...... it just happened as a random, unfortunate circumstance of your life"

I don't believe in coincidences or accidents. Everything happens for a reason in my opinion. There are no accidents.There are several factors that "attract" lessons to our lives.

I am a big believer in the Law of Attraction and subscribed to this law long before the movie The Secret came out. I have not mastered the art of creation but certainly subscribe to it's tenants. that we create what we see in our lives- the good and the not-so-good circumstances we experience moment to moment.

I haven't figure out an explanation for this auto accident but asked a Feng Shui Master for her take on this event. I think it's interesting and share it here with you. Whether you buy into this or not, it's a novel way to look at life's circumstances.

Since the Olympics are starting in Bejing, China, this week, I think it's appropriate to provide an ancient Chinese spin on the accident.

Here is an explanation I received from Donna Collinis, Feng Shui Master

"One our "heaven luck" says that we must have certain lessons - this is our karma, the plan that we agree to before we step into this life. Karma happens until we learn enough to become enlightened

Two our "earth luck" - our feng shui which says the land we choose will allow these lesson to take place, it will provide a place for life to be played out on

Three our "man luck" - our thinking, our good works, our attitude, philosophy and education

All day these are working in our favor to provide the lessons our souls are looking for that we need to expand and become enlightened. To take us to points of gratitude and love. Each time a lesson comes up you have a choice - that is why they are called in quantum physics - choice points - to move through with gratitude and recognition of the good and expand or the opposite which is easy for you to figure out.

So in Chinese Metaphysics term the accident would look like this:

Linda a had a clash today - it means her energy did not mix with the energy of the day - this would be heaven luck and it created the car accident - the lesson that heaven has provide you with to find love and gratitude and appreciation for life

The feng shui is the protection - it is to mitigate the lesson - it does not remove the lesson it reduces it - it is a life saving factor, an extra insurance.

Your Man - your law of attraction works like this - Once you have gotten to the point of enlightenment and you realize that you create your own reality the karma goes away.But you must work on creating that reality each day.

You must wake up and create the day.

So if you look at this day what has provide what can you tell me - have you realized greater love, have you experienced gratitude, or are you just annoyed, or troubled - where are you ?"

Words of wisdom. Whether you think this is "bunk" or not, the lesson here is applicable to everyone- take personal responsibility for your self and your life. You're in charge. We create our circumstances.

Feng Shui is going to be covered in my third book Rich Remedies, Volume 3.




PS- If you haven't seen Rich Remedies, Volume 1 yet, don't fret. It's on it's way in a few weeks.

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