Two weeks ago I attended a lecture by Dr. Patrick Price of the Price Chiropractic and Wellness Center, Houston, Texas. Dr Price is one of those healers who is really good at what he does and has a great sense of humor.
7 Steps to Success was the title of the lecture. His seven steps are: 1. Intestinal Cleansing and my introduction to an amazing compound Mag07, 2. Enzyme Therapy, 3Liver/ Gallbladder Flush, 4. Parasite Cleanse, 5. Heavy Metal Cleanse, 6.Probiotics, and 7.Lymphatics.
I decided to try the Liver Gallbladder Flush which I completed today.
The summary of this particular cleansing regime is here:
Four (4) days taking Livatrex liver herbal tonic. I couldn't find this so the helpful folks at Whole Foods looked up the ingredients and found 2 herbal tonics that combined match what is in Livatrex.I don't advise anyone playing around with ingredients, but I have been doing this stuff for 5 years and am personslly familiar with the ingredients and the liver cleansing protocals. The ingredients are all natural- dndelion root, oregano celery seed, burdock seed, hydrangea root, and other common herbs.
On Day 5 you eat for breakfast one fruit from a list Dr Price provides. I chose Watermellon. For lunch you eat a vegetable soup with onions, carrots, garlic, oregano, and others that have a high sulphur content.
At 5:00PM you're supposed to take Di Sodium Phosphate. I skipped this because I could not find it at the store.
At 7:00PM I forced down a glass of water with one table spoon of EPSOM Salts. This is a first for me. I've bathed in these salts but never consumed them internally. They're not that bad once you get the taste out of your mouth. You're supposed to keep a toilet handy when you knock back the Salts, but I had no such reaction.
At 9:00PM- the "Home Run Payoff"- 3/4 cup of organic, virgin olive oil with fresh sqeezed lemon juice. Lie down on right side for 30 minutes and then go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, the fireworks begin.
In some people, the olive oil causes nausea. I had absolutely no reaction what-so -ever. I have been on the wagon for 2 weeks (no alcohol) and working out almost every day. This is highly recommended as a "clean body" will not react as adversely as one that is toxic. I was pretty "clean" coming into this process.
Day 6- you will literally be "flush". All sorts of stuff will issue forth, including gall stones which are round, green little balls.
The result is a liver and gall bladder that are cleansed and ready to help protect you body from the toxins that we consume every day that lead to sickness and disease.
As I say in my book, Rich Remedies, Volume 1, always do these treatments under the care of a professional healing coach. Thank you Dr. Price!
I am not a nut or hypochondiac (at least in my humble opinion). I like to have a few beers and glass of wine (maybe a few?) and have a good time.
Every week I have one day where I'm allowed to eat anything I want. Anything. So I'm not a priss. But, I do take the process of cleansing very seriously and do a cleanse at least 3 times per year. It's the oil change that gives my immune system the reserves it needs to fight off allergies and illness. I rarely get sick these days and I attribute this fact to a healthy diet, exercise, cleansing, and a good sense of humor.
PS- Dr Patrick Price can be reached at 713-877-8600. I highly recommend him in all aspects of holistic healing.