This morning I was cutting the suckers off the bottom stems of my tomato plants to send more energy to the production of fruit instead of leaves. I eat the fruit, the leaves really don't do anything for me.
While I was pruning, I was thinking how much fun it was going to be to dine on these fresh, organic, vitamin C and licopene- rich fruits starting around July 4th weekend.
Then my old Macrobiotic teachings popped into my mind. "Just say no to nightshades"
If you've read my book, Rich Remedies, Volume 1, , you'll know that I went on a Macrobiotic diet for a few months and cured a stomach ulcer.
In Macrobiotics, the consumption of solanaceous plants (night shades) that originate in tropical regions, should not be consumed by people living in temperate climates. Tomatoes, potatoes, and egg plant are three of the most common night shades we consume.
In Macrobiotics, it is believed that the regular consumption of these foods causes Arthritis. There is a book by Norman Childers titled "Nightshades and Health"
I haven't read the book, but apparently it gives those sweet, tangy little tomatoes and other nightshades a bad rap. That's too bad because I like tomatoes and intend to keep consuming them unless I get Arthritis. No signs of it yet.
Another Pearle of wisdom from this unwelcome as it may be for all of us tomato growers and lovers.
PS- You'll never find nightshades on a macrobiotic menu for this reason. They use beets and other veggies in sausces to mimic tomatoes, but never the real McCoy.
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