Jim Bunch
This is a blog I wrote last night for the PPF. I thought I'd post it here as well.....
“The Ultimate Game” – Part 1
The Peace Project Foundation “Conscious Community Expo and Concert” on April 4, 2009 had a common theme across all of the presenters. That was to make a positive change in the community, the first improvements start with you. If you are happy, fulfilled, self-actualized, and loving, that energy flows out to the community at large. How do you get there?
Getting yourself to an abundant place in your own life is key. Jim Bunch provided a roadmap of how we get there.
Jim has worked for and studied under some of the thought leaders of the self- development movement- Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, and Thomas Leonard, the grandfather of personal coaching.
The “hook” in Jim’s presentation for me was his assertion that 95% of the advertized, hoped- for personal improvement and transformation is not realized by people who attend self-improvement/ development seminars. That’s a lot of wasted time and money and disappointed people! He went on to say that his “The 9 Environments of You” methodology has a 78% success rate! I had to hear more and hear the entire story.
I have personally been a regular consumer of motivational books, tapes, seminars, and all matter of self development materials. It is very uplifting and inspirational. But what do I have to show for all of my good studying and motivational consumption? There are areas of my life that I give myself an “A” grade and others where I would rank a “C”. I aspire to all A’s, maybe a B in some places, as perfection is an illusory goal in my opinion.
I’ve tried allot of things- seminars, subliminal DVD’s for manifesting goals, work books, internet home study programs, meditation, guided visualizations, books of affirmations, and all sorts of good, mind-expanding material. It’s all good.
The names of great authors are all there in my library: Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eckerd, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Zig Ziglar, Joe Vitale, Jose Silva, Bob Proctor, and many, many others. I’ve read the biographies of many famous, successful people hoping to extract that kernel of truth or the missing ingredient to my success that I could apply to my life so I can “soar with the eagles”.
I’ve also delved into some “metaphysical” things like Feng Shui, Numerology, Vedic Astrology, Psychics, Native American Shaman, and other energetic practices. They are all beneficial but, as Clara Pellor used to say in that old fast food commercial: “Where’s the beef? Where’s the beef?” Referring to the lack of beef in her hamburger. (My apologies to vegans for this reference, but you get the point. Allot of good effort, but not always all of the results we hoped for.)
Where’s the complete package of success in all aspects of life that we all aspire to and the self-help teachers promised in their materials?
Self development and motivational programs are my favorite leisure reading. I read this material just because I like it, but there is an end game that I am missing.
After all this study and investment, why haven’t I reached all my goals?
I’m not alone. I’m in very good company. I’m a Ninety five percenter! Don’t get me wrong, I’m successful in many areas of life. I am very grateful for what I have, I just want more.
The most plausible explanation that I have ever heard for not reaching all of your goals is that the subconscious mind harbors,” negative counter- intentions” that have been programmed into our minds since birth that continually block or neutralize allot of the positive work you do on yourself. They are hidden and act against your conscious desires unless you call them out and consciously root them out.
So you finish a self help book or motivational seminar inspired, pumped up and ready to take on the world. You write down your goals, game plan, positive affirmations, construct a visioning board of what you want with pictures, and you visualize these things already present in your life. The foundation of success is set. Right?
Your job goes sideways, your spare time is eaten up by responsibilities, your money runs out, your dog eats your vision board, and you can fill in the blank on the number of reasons / distractions that you get sidetracked from the pursuit of your goals.
Life’s competing priorities result in inertia, procrastination, and the postponing of the achievement of your goals because at some deep, imperceptible level, we feel unworthy of the success that is our birth right. This is one theory that I believe has some merit.
The Universe is good, it is abundant and wants you to succeed. Since this is true, how do we get ourselves out of the way so we can grab the brass ring of happiness and success?
Jim’s Bunch’s answer is “The Ultimate Game of Life” The 9 Environments of You.
Here is a summary of The 9 Environments of You*
You- The core of you that is unchanging
Memetic- Beliefs, Ideas, Knowledge, Cultural Norms, Frameworks
Body- Physical body, Health, Energy
Self- Personality, Gifts, Talents, Strengths, Emotions
Spiritual- Connection to a Higher Source, Love and Self
Relationships- Family friends, Close colleagues, Support personnel
Network- Community, Strategic Partners, Customers
Financials- Money, Investments, Budgeting, Insurance
Physical- Home, Office, Furnishings, Equipment/ Technology
Nature- Outdoors, Beauty, Seasons, Cycle of life.
*Copied with Permission from Jim Bunch
In the next blog we will discuss with Jim how 78% of his students achieve their goals by following this process.
Part 2 of this discussion will include a Q&A with Jim Bunch on how the 9 Environments of You Works
Stay tuned……