Photo- Grape Seed Oil, an Omega 6 -rich lipid.
Myth- Omega 6 fatty acid consumption should be significantly reduced due to the presence of Arachidonic Acid (AA)which causes inflamation.
The truth is, according to Dr. Ed Kane,PhD, Arachidonic Acid causes inflamation and is an anti-inflamatory at the same time. It's presence in Omega 6 fatty acids does not render these healthy lipids harmful. The American Heart Association agrees with Dr. Kane and published a bulletin on January 26, 2009 supporting Omega 6's as part of a heart-healthy diet.
In my book,
Rich Remedies, My Amazing Natural Self Healing Discoveries, Volume 1, I discuss the many contradictions that exist in all areas of life. The field of natural healing is full of contradictions and differences of opinion. The Omega 6 debate is an example.
Here is a small sampling of some common contradictions/ differences of opinion:
>Multi vitamins are good for you. There are many resaerch studies that support the opinion that
naturally dervied, bio-available multivitamins are good for you.
Contradiction: This week there is a report that they have no nutritional value. Some camps claim that multivitamins are harmful to your health.
>Soy products are good for you, particularly because they contain isoflavones, compounds that reduce cholesterol.
Contradiction: Soy products are bad for you because they contain a hormone similar to female estrogen that has negative impacts on your endocrine system. Soy also contains an enzyme that prevents the proper digestion/ assimilation of certain proteins. Finally, it is an allergen that taxes the immune system in some people.
This soy contradiction is particularly disheartening to this scribe as I have consumed large quantities of soy products such as tofu, soy milk, roasted soy beans, soy food additives, and many other “health” foods that contain soy.
There is a school of thought that says its still “OK” to eat soy as long as it is fermented like miso paste and tempe. These fermented soy products contain enzymes from the fermentation process that aid in digestion.
>Organic pasteurized cow’s milk is good for you.
Contradiction: Pasteurized milk of any kind bad for you because the useful enzymes that help your body digest the milk are killed-off when it is heated for pasteurization. Raw, unpasteurized milk (which is nearly impossible to obtain) is the only milk suitable for human consumption because it contains the enzymes we need to properly digest it.
Some argue that humans are the only animals that consume another species' milk making us odd balls. If your lactose intollerant, as many of us are, it makes sense to avoid all dairy products.
>Sunshine is good for you as it helps the body produce the hormone calcitrol aka vitamin D3, an anti-cancer agent and crucial compound in the assimilation of the body’s most prevalent mineral- calcium.
Contradiction: People should avoid un-protected exposure the sun as it causes skin cancer.
The list of contradictions is endless. How do you know what to believe? (I agree with the recommendations to avoid soy and cow’s milk, and disagree with the multivitamin and sunshine warnings) I personally continue to consume soy and dairy in small quantities.
As Mark Twain would say:
“Damn lies and statistics”
We can extend this to say:
“Damn lies and predetermined, opinion- based medical research.”
If you start out with the objective of proving a certain point of view, chances are you can create a use case to suit your needs.
latest contradiction to catch my attention is the Omega 6 fatty acid controversy which is the main subject of this blog. Omega 6 is found in safflower oil, canola oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, nuts, and other vegetable oils that were here-to-for recommended for heart-healthy diets.
Omega-6, and the similarly-named omega-3 fatty acids (found in fattier fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon), are called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and can have health benefits when consumed in the recommended amounts, especially when used to replace saturated fats or trans fats in the diet. Omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA play a crucial role in heart and brain function and in normal growth and development. PUFA are “essential” fats that your body needs but can’t produce, so you must get them from food.
The American Heart Associationhttp://americanheart.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=650
Prior to reading numerous cautionary articles, I was under the impression that Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, together, are both critical to key bodily functions. The attribute that these fatty acids exhibit is their beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation in the body has been linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, lung disease, and just about any disease that you can name.
Rich Remedies Volume 1, Chapter 4, I discuss my discovery and use of an Omega 6/ Omega 3 product in a 4:1 ratio called Phosphatidyl Choline (PC) that is produced by Body Bio, Inc. I was blown away by the miraculous healing case studies that I read regarding healing Lyme disease, Autism, MS, and other auto immune diseases. The properties of PC are well documented.The most significant aspect of PC is that it mirrors the 4:1 makeup of the cell wall, the protective barrier of your cells.
Since I wrote my short chapter on PC, I completed the liver cleanse using PC and another product called Butyrate () as well as organic safflower oil (high in Omega 6). The results of this cleanse were health-giving and very positive.
Some wind was taken out of my sails on Omega 6 when articles began to appear in the news about the health risks of consuming Omega 6. Two natural healing authorities that I respect, Russell Blaylock, MD and Joseph Mercola, MD, weighed in against the consumption of large quantities of Omega 6, especially through vegetable oils used in salad dressings and for cooking.
I am in the process of re-editing Rich Remedies, Volume 1 and re-issuing it in the spring of 2009 in hardcover form. As part of this effort, I felt compelled to place a cautionary note about Omega 6 fatty acid consumption (my good results aside).
Before I edited my book chapter, I wanted to get the opinion of one of the foremost experts in this field, Dr. Ed Kane, President, BodyBio. Ed is a PhD in biochemistry and an authority on nutrition. My liver cleanse ingredients were manufactured by Ed’s company BodyBio and the protocol for the treatment was authored by Ed’s wife Patricia, who has a PhD in nutrition and is licensing her incredible healing protocols globally. This couple are on the leading edge of healing. I’ve experienced it.
Here are snippets of some of the references Ed sent me:
Excerpted from
BodyBio Bulletin #3 The 4:1 Oil --- The Right Stuff--- is a lipid, no longer a fat, called Arachidonic Acid (AA), found in eggs, meat and dairy, which suffers the same harsh treatment as cholesterol but it’s been receiving its bad rap for a much longer time. The attack on arachidonic acid and the omega 6 family, principally linoleic acid (LA), has been going on for decades. While AA may be right behind cholesterol; the homeostatic importance of AA is on an even higher metabolic plane than cholesterol. The trumped-up case of labeling AA as “Bad-Guy #2” is for its role in initiating inflammation --- which it does --- but saying that alone is a one-sided statement, because it is also anti-inflammatory --- which no one mentions. There is, however, a large body of research showing the reverse --- that AA and its derivatives are also anti-inflammatory.
This BodyBio Bulletin # 3 by Ed Kane explains in technical detail the role of Omega 6 fatty acids and their beneficial effects to our health.
The bottom line folks-
Be vigilant in checking the story behind the story and double check your sources.
I’m going to the pantry to snack on some Omega 6 snacks right now.
PS- Contradictions proliferate. Do what works for you.
PS PS- Everything in moderation, including moderation.
This information is provided for informational purposes and not intended to treat any illness. Consult your physician for medical advice.