Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rich Remedies Health Care Solution for the USA

Here is the simple solution that the Obama Administration is looking for to fix the US Healthcare "Crisis". It requires no increase in deficits, no increases in your taxes, no government supervision, no growth in government, no interference in the current medical system, and no legislation.

US Citizens:
1. Eat less
2. Stop eating junk food and sugar
3.Eat locally grown, organic produce
4.In the absence of locally grown, buy organic produce
5.Drink eight glasses of water per day
6.Exercise 20 minutes per day
7.Find somebody to love
8.Be happy for no reason
9.Help out someone you don't know
10.Give to your favorite charity
11.Have some spritual belief
12. Take full responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and life
13. Cleanse or fast at least 2 times per year
14.Re-read 1-13 and do at least half of these.

We do not need the government getting into our knickers any more than it already is. The Obama health plan is not necessary and will cost us a fortune and ruin the best healthcare system in the world. Get back to basics, take responsibility, and take action.



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