Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Diamotaceous Earth- This is a new (old one)

Last week I over heard a conversation at a local herb shop about Diamotaceous Earth. This is one of those things that has literally been around forever, but for some reason, I am just learning about it.

As all of these healing things go, I heard about Diamataceous Earth 2 times in one week after never hearing the term before, so I'm on to something here.

Diatomaceous Earth is a fossilized deposit of microscopic shells created by one-celled plants called Diatoms. These plants are found in both salt and fresh water. Like plankton, Diatoms serve as the basic food for aquatic life, just as grass is the basic food for land animals. The "secret sauce" in Diamataceous Earth as I like to refer to key healing ingredients is silica dioxide, a trace mineral that is said to be one of the key building blocks of life. I have never heard this before so I'll do more research, but it sounds promising. Another interesting claim for Diamotaceous Earth is that the tiny shell fragments cut the skin of intestinal parasites (worms), injuring them and eventually killing them, without causing harm to your body. It is said that 85% of the human population is carrying some sort of intestinal parasite in their body. Parasites cause all sorts of nasty problems and have even been linked to certain cancers so getting them out of your intestinal tract is a good thing. Some parasites will escape into other areas of your body and even your blood stream, destroying tissue.

Suppliers make food grade Diatomaceous Earth that is fit for human consumption. I am using it in my smoothies to try it out. The lab rat strikes again.

I am providing more coverage of this fascinating discovery in Rich Remedies, Volume 2.

Now, I get excited that I just discovered Diatomaceous Earth, but this stuff has been used by veterinarians for years, especially in horses, so I'm not breaking new ground, just waking up to something new. However, if I take a poll of non-horsey people, I bet that less than 10% have heard of this Diatomaceous Earth. Have you?



PS- If I like this stuff, it will be available on http://www.richremedies.com/ in the near future.

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