I was driving down Burnett Road in Austin last Saturday afternoon on my way home from a Saturday morning project when I spotted this knife throwing contest taking place on the side of a building.
I ask you. Where else in America will you see a knife throwing contest on a Saturday morning? Or any morning for that matter? That doesn't involve someone being impaled.......
Austin is Great.
Austin is a very edgy, free spirited, fun-loving place. People of all stripes, colors, shapes, and sizes are accepted here as part of the fabric of the city. Tattoos, body piercings, funky clothing, dreadlocks, alternative music, parties, live music, eco-consciousness, community outreach, and any other expression of individuality is accepted here.
As it should be everywhere.....but isn't.
There is this saying "Keep Austin Weird" which refers to preserving the happy-go-lucky, bohemian, artsy, and lunatic fringe aspects of the city.
Let's not surrender to the phony, and the boring tendencies of mainstream mass- media affected society. Keep it real.
Those knife throwers are just doing their part Keepin' Austin weird....and I love it!
PS- I'm doing my part to keep Austin weird by publishing my book: Rich Remedies, Volume 1
We all must do our part!
PS. PS.-Speaking of "Keeping Austin Weired"I just bought tickets for the final concert at the Backyard on October 26, 2008. There won't be a dry eye in the house as Austin sees another gem of a music venue bite the bulldozer's dust.
Willie Nelson is going to close this venue as he opened it 16 years ago when the Backyard was "out in the middle of no where". The closing of the backyard is another step in the on-going process of "gentrifying" Austin with shopping Malls.......don't get me started on this topic.......
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