Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rotten Tomatoes- It isn't just meat any more

Hello to my throngs of readers,

I sent a blog about probiotics and my son's hamburger food poisoning earlier today, when I neglected to mention today's top news story on salmonella contaminated tomatoes that is costing the US more than $1 billion in losses based on all the recalls and panic.

Tomatoes are in everything it seems from ketchup, salsa, salads, pasta sauce, and many other staples.

In my book, Rich Remedies, Volume 1 I discuss the Parcells soak that is used in many third world countries to de-contaminate foods. www.richremedies.com

Unfortunately, our industrial farming chicken is coming home to roost.

In my opinion, here is how we address this massive health issue:

Organic farming, Use of Effective Microorganisms in agriculture and households, and common sense. The embargo on tomatoes is a knee jerk reaction to some contaminations. I beleieve there is some commercial motive driving this latest scare.

Check out the Parcells soak. Wash your vegetables. Go Organic. Peace.

Thank you


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